Branch's Birthday

Start from the beginning




C: Mm, is this stick good enough?

B: Sure!

F: Ooh! Leaves! 

{Floyd collected leaves instead}

C: What is Floyd doing?

B: I don't know.

{Floyd is making something}

C: Yo, Floyd, whacha doing?

F: AH! Uhm, I'm making a leaf vest!

C: Ooh, never knew you were so good at making clothing.

F: Oh, its just one of my many hidden talents.

C: Yep.

B: YEA! Floyd can play guitar supper good!

C: Super. Branch. Not supper.

B: eHuHmgHum. "Frond" Clay. not Branch.

C: Alrighto, Frond. .. PFFT- AHAHAHA-

B: Nooo I'm Branch!

C: Didn't you just- Nevermind.

B: Hehheh-

{Branch stuffed some sticks into his hair}


{They were outside in the hot sun collecting sticks. The boys wanted to have a break and drink some slushies!}




JD: Finally. I was getting tired of chasing you.

S: I was getting tired of running. 

JD: Mmkay.


{The brothers got their slushies and were enjoying them in the warm sun}

B: Num num!

F: I lovee raspberry slushies!

B: I like blue!

C: Lemons got to be the best! Eh? Eh?

JD: Mm.. no sorry bro. 

S: Isn't that like yellow snow?

C: It's literally summer, Spruce!

S: I know.

C: Psh- I'll get some napkins.

{Clay went to go get napkins}

JD: Alright, thanks bro!


{Branch got hit by a squish ball} 

B: Gah-

{Branch fell down making his slushy go down with him}

B: Oof!

{Branch was glittery and sticky}

B: Eeww!

F: *gasp* Branch! Are you okay?!

B: *cough cough* Yea-

JD: Who the hell did that?!

S: Yeah! Show yourself!

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