"We would've watched a movie, but I would've taken you to a high-quality restaurant," I replied, the calmness in my voice belying the tension in the room."not a arcade."

"I thought you said it wasn't a date," Wooyoung tested, trying to navigate through the conversation.

"It's not. I take all my friends to that restaurant," I said, deflecting with ease until Wooyoung laughed again, "So we're friends?"

"No, I was giving an example of how it wasn't a date," I clarified, only to hear Wooyoung huff in response. "What's wrong?"

"Can we go on a date?" Wooyoung asked, the question hanging in the air.

"If I'm not sick, sure," I teased back, playing it cool.

"Well, make sure you take some medicine, remember I want to get to know you," Wooyoung said, his voice softer now. "Yeah," I responded, and with a final goodbye, we hung up.

The room fell into a stunned silence until Lia broke it with a tone full of disbelief, "What the heck was that??" Her question echoed the confusion and curiosity that everyone in the room felt, turning their attention squarely on me, waiting for an explanation.

"Why are you single??" Chanhee asked, inching closer to me, curiosity piqued by the unfolding drama.

"You've got game. Wooyoung usually doesn't apologize, let alone ask for a date," Changmin observed, impressed by the unexpected turn of events.

"I think we're going to take him down. I'm so pumped," Chaeyoung chimed in, her enthusiasm mirrored by Chuu's clapping.

"Wait," Lia interjected, her tone dropping to a serious octave. "What if Wooyoung is acting like this because he wants San to like him?"

"You're so right," Kevin agreed, while Chuu muttered to herself with a look of disgust, "That attention-seeking jerk—"

"Hold on, you're right because yesterday he did tell me he just wants me to like him because I'm—"

"His type," we all said in unison, leading to Chuu facepalming. "Darn it."

"He's playing you, San," Chanhee said gravely, seizing the moment to place his hand on my broad shoulders. "You're really muscular," he commented, locking eyes with me for a moment before breaking away to address the group. "Should San and I pretend to be seeing each other? You know Wooyoung likes a competition."

Kevin quickly stepped in, moving Chanhee away from me. "No, I think San being himself is Wooyoung's challenge," he said, causing Chanhee to pout at the lost opportunity.

The room was filled with a mix of strategy and intrigue, everyone seemingly drawn into the complexity of my interactions with Wooyoung, each trying to navigate this intricate web of emotions and intentions.

By the end of the night, the nosy team, fueled by a mix of curiosity and concern, hatched a plan straight out of a movie. They decided that I would wear his AirPods during his meeting with Wooyoung the next day, allowing them to eavesdrop on the conversation in real-time.

As I sauntered into the studio the next day, I found Wooyoung deeply engrossed in his painting. "Hey there," I purred, my voice dropping to a sultry tone, "feeling better?" I watched as Wooyoung jolted slightly and furrowed his eyebrows at my unexpected greeting. Despite his initial reaction, I could see a hint of softening in his expression, a flicker of guilt perhaps, as our eyes met.

"I do," Wooyoung simply says before returning to his work, his focus solely on the painting in front of him. I look at him, puzzled by his brief response. "Are you sure?" I ask, moving to face him directly. He remains focused on his painting but nods in affirmation, a hint of determination in his gaze.

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