chapter 1

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"Welp, this is it." I said looking up from the flyer. I stared up at the two story house and sighed. I looked back down at the flyer and reread what it said: "help wanted just need somebody that can work. Pays $120 a week and a room to sleep in." I red aloud as I pulled my (f/c) hoodie down and scratched my (h/c) fox ears. I sighed again "here go's nothing." I said as I walked up the front steps.

Just as I was about to knock the door opened. "Dude I'm telling you the game isn't scar-" the guy was cut off when he bumped into me. "Oh crap are you OK?" Said another voice I looked up at the figure. He had on a plain blue T-shirt and black skinny jeans. he also looked about 6'ft but that was just a guess. The figure also had a couple of ear piercings but that wasn't what I wasn't what I was interested in.

I was more interested in his hair. His hair was all mostly blue but had black at the ends.

"Say your sorry dude." He said nudging the other figure that bumped into me. He was waaay shorter than his friend but was still taller than me. I was 5'2 and this guy looked about 5'3.

I noticed that he was dressed in all brown but in different shades.he wore a light brown hoodie and dark brown skinny jeans. He also had piercings bit not as many as his friend. His hair was a regular creamy brown but I was more focused on the black circles around his eyes.

'He could be losing sleep.' I wondered 'either that or he wears to much eyeliner.' I stiffled a giggle at the thought.

"No way she bumped into me!" He said crossing his arms.

"Rigby!" The blue one said as he punched his arm

"Oww!" Rigby said as he rubbed the area that he was punched

"Okay okay I'm sorry!" He said looking at me.

I nodded my head slighty. "It's OK I forgive you." I said giving him a small smile.

Rigby looked shocked a moment then looked away.

"What ate you doing here anyway?" Said the blue one

" oh right!" I said remembering why I was here in the first place. "I'm here for the job." I said handing him the flyer. He looked it over and nodded. "Yeah this is us." He said handing the flyer back.

"Let me take you to benson, he's the boss around here."

I walked inside and the tall one led me upstairs.

"whats your name anyway?" I asked

"Mordecai. Whats yours?"

"(Y/n)" I said

"Thats a nice name."

I smiled "thanks you to."

We walked up to a door and stopped

"He should be in there. Good luck." Mordo said walking away

I sighed "here we go."

~time skip to when you get da job because im lazy XD~

"OK before i have you gey started i need you to meet everyone" benson said.

"Cool" I said simply.

"Mordecai and rigby get over here now!" Benson shouted scaring me a little. Soon after the two guys from before scrambled in front of me.

"We didn't do it!" Rigby yelled

"Do what?" Benson asked

Morse's was about to say something but Benson interrupted him.

"Nevermind can you just show (y/n) around please?"

They both nodded

"Good." Benson said as he walked away mumbling something about a headache

"Let's go (y/n)" rigby said as he took my hand to start the tour. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNDDDDDD THAT'S IT!!! for this chapter of course I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of this story! I know it was pretty boring but know that the boring introduction is over the fun can now begin! XD anyway please comment and vote it means a lot to me! And I hope to see you guys in the next chapter! Goodbye my little hanas! (That means flowers in Japanese :D )
-red_madame :3

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