Chapter 5

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Nikki set down her bag and slumped on her bed in the dorm when Evie came in. Evie came into the room with the files, coffee and a pizza. Evie sat the food down, then saw Nikki glaring at her.

"What?" She asked.

"You," Nikki pointed at her. "Were suppose to come get ice cream with Eithan and I."


"Nikki! I am so sorry. I completely forgot!" Evie sat on her bed across the room.

Nikki grinned.

"No, it's totally fine. We went, but when you didn't show, we decided to go home for the night." She had a slight smile on her face.

What was that about?

"But anyway, did you find anything about our very own crypt?"

"Not a whole lot," Evie opened the box of files. "But, Donna did let me take these. I brought coffee so we could look through these."

Nikki nodded, got up, and went to her backpack. She grabbed two flashlights and her phone. She handed Evie a flashlight.

"Or, we could go back down and see what was making that awful noise." She didn't look very enthusiastic about it.

"But what if there's something down there?" Evie asked.

"If there was something down there, it would have followed us, right? That and it seemed to stop as soon as we were gone."

Even though it didn't make her feel much better, Nikki's theory made sense.

"Okay. Let's go."


They snuck down the staircase. Evie focused her flashlight in the dark room. Her head was pounding and she felt like she was going to puke. Nikki walked behind her.

Then the noise came.

The shrill whine nearly made Evie trip. The green lights showed brightly in the darkness. This time, instead of running back to their room, they looked around the room. They quickly looked for the source of the noise.

Evie searched the walls of the room. She found two switches. Above each was a green light. Evie flipped them both.

The noise stopped and bright lights illuminated the room.

Nikki looked around.

"What did you do?"

Evie pointed at the switches.

"One for the alarm, one for the lights."

Nikki nodded. "Figures. Is it just me or is this room creepy as hell?" She said as she looked at the adjacent wall.

The room had dirty, concrete walls. It was completely empty except for the staircase, a small table in the corner and a door on one wall.

Evie walked over to the door and looked for a knob, but there wasn't one. In place of a knob was a combination lock behind a thick piece of glass.

"Nikki come look at this!" Evie called.

Nikki strode to the door. She observed the lock closely. She tried to break the glass with her flashlight. Not even a crack showed.

"This glass is really strong. A gun couldn't get through this." She explained.
"Why would you bother putting a combination lock behind glass so you can't turn it?"

Evie looked around the room. She walked to the table and searched every inch of it. The only thing that stood out was a series of three numbers.
The numbers were roughly etched on the side of the table. Under the numbers was the name Mavis Maxon.

"Hey, on the bright side, I found the combo." She stated.

Nikki was still trying to find a way to open the door.
Frustrated, she got up and looked at the table.

After looking around the room for a few minutes, they decided to go back up to the dorm and look in the files for anything on Mavis Maxon.

They looked through school funding of the old science building. They looked at old pictures of the building.

They couldn't find anything about the room or Mavis.

"Okay, Nikki, we aren't getting anywhere with this tonight. Can we pick it up tomorrow?" Evie whispered tiredly.

"Me too. We can keep going through these when we are finished at school tomorrow."

They both started to pack up the files when a page fell from Evie's pile. Evie picked it up.

The page was old and worn on the edges. At the top was a name.

Mavis Elizabeth Maxon
Patron of Salem Acadamy
January 20, 1976


Hey guys!

Sorry that the chapter is so short. I have been working my ass off this week and haven't had as much time to write as I wanted. But, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! If you have any constructive criticism or writing tips, please leave a comment. I feel like I need all the help I can get. Thanks!

Lucy 😆

Where the Witch WentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora