Imagine #30 Alyson

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This is for cookiealyson123 sorry it took so long

the lost boys all thought of a plan to make me admit my feeling for pan, but each time they failed... what's next? "Hey Alyson?" Pan walked over "I was wondering if the boys are giving you a hard time" I laughed "you realized this now" I walk past him "why what have they been doing?"

Don't say it!

It's a trick!

"They want me to tell you I like you haha funny, right?" I felt my face go completely red "I'll get them to stop" I sighed in relief "thank you" he winks as it sends shivers down my spine "hey Alyson catch" I hear a noise as the boys throw something making me trip, I was ready to hit the ground but I soon felt muscular arms catch me "are you okay?" I stare up as I see pan "I-I'm fine... Now" he blushes slightly and puts me in the ground.

No! It's a trap!

Look away don't do it!

I didn't listen to the voice in my head, he closes his eyes and presses his lips against mine, I didn't move but I soon felt him pull away "I uhh- got to uhh- go" he walks backward and hits a tree the runs into the forest

"aha! You like pan!" The boys come running out "you better run" I chased them "run! Run! Lost boys!"

(Yes I quoted lost boy by Ruth b, sorry)

I chased them back to the tents and busted out laughing "now you know not to mess with me" they all laughed along and pan came out of the trees "Alyson, I need to speak with you" he used magic and teleported us somewhere in the forest

"I had to do this again" he leaned in and kissed me and running his fingers through my deep red curly hair "I'm in love with you Alyson, and you may not feel the same way but I had to tell you" I grab the collar of his shirt and bring him into another kiss, I let go and pull back "what makes you think I don't feel the same way?" He smiles "Never mind that" he pulls me closer and kisses me again only this time it was passionate, I never wanted to move.

I have been working so hard with ideas and finally got one, I have a few more requested and I'll try to get 1 or 2 more done tonight

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