Week Eight, Monday

Start from the beginning


    The counselor smiles sheepishly. “I could explain that better. He’s been gone for seven weeks, and while he’s been given his assignments, he needs a tutor. You have perfect grades, and I’m asking you to help him catch up on his lessons, since he’s in the same year as you. While you’re at it, I’d like you to try reforming him.”

    “What do you mean by that?”

    Ms. Kunahito sighs. “Try to befriend him, help him soften up. If Osorō isn’t a violent gang leader, the rest of the delinquents should disband.”

    Ayano blinks, skeptical of the plan. She agrees to help, however. After all, she and Osorō already seem to be friends, according to their first meeting.

    “So, when do I start tutoring him?” Ayano asks.

    “If you can pick a time during the school day, such as before or after school, and stick to that routine, it’d be wonderful. I’m not sure that Osorō will willingly work with you, so don’t be afraid to send him back to me.” Ms. Kunahito smiles. “And thank you for agreeing. This may be difficult, but I’m sure you’ll be a great help.”

    Ayano just nods again, and promises to find him sometime today and pick a time. Then she leaves the room.

    There’s still twenty minutes before class, so Ayano decides to find the delinquent leader. She knows exactly where to go, too.

    As Ayano heads to the incinerator, she thinks about her new ‘assignment.’ Honestly, Ayano doesn’t plan to force any reformations on the boy. She’s sure that he has a reason for acting how he does, just like the other delinquents probably do. If Ayano can fix the problem that caused them to act tough, then she will. But she doesn’t want to manipulate anyone.

    That’s too much like her mother.

    When Ayano gets to the back of the school, she spots the five delinquent boys. They surround Osorō, who smiles at them, happy to be back.

    Then he spots her, and he gives her that same grin. “Hey, princess. I told you I’d be back.”

    The rest of the delinquents turn to look at her, and they seem surprised.

    “Isn’t that the actress?” One of them mutters.

    “You know her? She’s one of them.” Another boy says, gesturing towards her white uniform.

    “Hi, Osorō,” Ayano simply says. Then she steps closer, and the boys gather closer to Osorō, tightening their holds on their weapons. Ayano pauses, but makes sure to keep her smile in place. “Can we talk?”

    Osorō laughs. “Yeah. Here, let’s go for a walk, princess.” He moves past the boys, waving goodbye nonchalantly, then drapes an arm over Ayano’s shoulders.

    Ayano is surprised that she feels warm around him, just like the other five boys. Her smile grows as they walk towards the cherry tree.

    “So, what’d you want to talk about?” Osorō asks after a moment.

    “Well,” Ayano clears her throat, “I’ve been asked to be your tutor, and I wanted to know what time you’d prefer to work with me.”

    He blinks. “You’re asking me? Why?”

    “Well, I thought it’d be rude to choose by myself, since I don’t know what you like to do during the day. The best time I could think of was mornings, so that you’d have lunch and the afternoon to spend with your friends-”

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