Killer's Room

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We get through a hand full of rooms and I feel uneasy and off. Everything that is to be expected when surrounded by cursed and possessed objects. We've been through the room of cursed dolls and are now making our way through the exhibits about Jack Kevorkian, aka Dr. Death. While taking part in the section of the tour where we are in a recreation of Dr. Kevorkian's office I feel a tightness in my chest and a pain all over my body. My body feels weak and tired. It is almost hard to move as we leave the room and enter a room with the Death Van and other trinkets on display. When I leave the 'office' my sense of tiredness and fatigue leaves me a bit. But as I get closer to the van I smell and taste saline, like I do when doctors insert IVs. I cringe at the taste and shake my head a bit, before feeling a sharp poke in my forearm. I look down, but there is nothing there, I lift my sleeve just to make sure before pulling it back down, taking a deep breath as I try to shake off the odd taste and smell.

The next room we go into is a hall of serial killers. As I walk through the door it feels like something is trying to force me out, but I push through. The room contains John Wayne Gacy's Poggo the Clown suit, as well as some of his paints. Charles Manson's ashes and bone fragments. Ted Bundy's glasses and some notes he had taken during his trail. But I am physically stopped when I get to a specific killer's case. I am stopped by the smell of body odor and a sense of primal fear washes over me. I look at the case and see the ball cap, glasses, jacket and dental case of Richard Ramirez, The Night Stalker. I take several deep breaths, trying to shake the sensation I have, but soon I feel something dig into my calf, causing me to let out a painful yelp and fall into the make shift jail cell bars, serving as a wall in this exhibit.

Michael and Lex rush over to me, but to my surprise they aren't the first to reach me. Zak is next to me before I am completely on the ground, helping me sit as I continue to whence and whine in pain. "Are you okay?" Zak looks over my face.

I shake my head, "something is biting into my calf." I lay my head back and take a deep breath, trying to hold back tears, I have never felt a pain like this when encountering a spirit, but then again I guess this wouldn't be a normal spirit.

Lex kneels in front of me and rolls my left pant leg up, "oh, my God! Oh, my God! El, you have teeth marks in your leg."

I look down and see the imprint of crocked and jagged teeth, I look up to the case to the dental case of Ramirez's teeth. As I do I feel the pressure in my leg release and I let out a sigh of relief, reaching down to rub the spot on my leg, but Zak stops me, "be careful, you're bleeding." Michael comes over to us with a small first aid kit, handing Zak gloves and some gauze. Once putting the gloves on Zak holds the gauze to my calf and I whence when it come in contact with the bite marks. "Sorry, should have warned you about the Neosporin."

I shake my head and look over to Zak, "it's okay."

Zak looks over my leg, cleaning it up, the look on his face serious and his features strong and sharp. But as I look over Zak's face I notice something dark moving behind him. I look up thinking it is Lex or Michael, but to my surprise it is not, there in the corner of the room stands a tall dark figure that sends a chill down my spine and sends a message to every neuron in my body to run. But I can't, I am literally frozen, staring down this figure. As I stare at the figure I see what looks like a crocked smile, the shadow showing it's poorly kept teeth, and as I see the teeth I see the darkest, emptiest eyes I have ever seen. They are darker then the shadow itself and I don't know how this is even possible, "what?" Zak looks over his shoulder before looking back to me, "you're seeing something, right? What do you see?"

"Uh...." I stammer, not wanting to take my eyes off the shadow, "I think it's a man, he's a dark shadow, with a horrible smile," I shake my head, I can feel the tears in my eyes and my fear catching in my throat.

"What else?"

I shake my head, "his eyes are..... soulless...."

"El?" I hear Lex, but I don't dare take my eyes off the shadow. "Who is it?"

"I don't know."

All I can hear after answering Lex is my breathing, my terrified, shaky breathing, before I hear a man's voice, "swear to Satan you won't scream and I won't kill you."

"What?" I tilt my head a bit.

"El? Who are you talking to?" I faintly hear Lex as I try to force on the voice I just heard.

"Swear to Satan you won't scream and I won't kill you," the voice repeats.

"It's.... Ramirez..." I choke out.

"What is?" Zak tries to move into my eye line, but I refuse to let him get between me and the shadow.

I point to the corner of the room, "the man, the shadow, that thing.... it's Richard Ramirez..."

Zak stands and turns toward the corner, shouting, "get out of here! You like taking advantage of women, but you won't come and fight me. Come on! Leave her alone and fight me like a man."

As Zak shouts and tries to square off to what he can't see, the shadow fades and once it is gone I feel like I can breath again. I take a deep breath, as if the air is crack. "Oh, my God!" I finally look over to Lex, who looks just as terrified as I feel.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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