Week Eight, Sunday

Start from the beginning

"Aya? Aww, that's adorable!" Mrs. Najimi says as Ayano sits down. "You know, it's been so long since Osano brought a girl over to the house! How long has it been, honey?"

"Not since last semester!" Mr. Najimi booms, turning off the stove. "It was that one girl...what was her name? She was the Martial Arts Club leader, right Osano?"

Osano groans. "Her name is Raibaru. And that was for a project!"

"She was a very sweet girl," Mrs. Najimi says to Ayano, sitting across from her. "Did you know her?"

"Aya didn't go to Akademi last year, mom." Osano sits beside Ayano as his father sets down a plate of waffles. "She went to a different school."

"I switched from Buraza High this year," Ayano adds in.

"Huh." Osano reaches for the food, putting some on his plate. "I think that's where Raibaru transferred to. A lot of students made a big deal about her leaving at the end of the year."

Ayano giggles. "That's interesting. Maybe she and I just switched classes."

"So, Ayano, how long have you been friends with my son?" Mr. Najimi asks between bites.

"Since the first week of school, sir," Ayano responds.

"Please, none of that 'sir' business around here. I'm just Minato." Mr. Najimi smiles.

"And on that note, you can just call me Anna," Mrs. Najimi adds.

"Okay, thank you," Ayano responds, unsure how to feel. Instead, she just eats, trying to answer the questions that Osano's parents send her way. Osano just eats, cheeks red as he avoids eye contact.

The second Ayano is finished, Osano stands up. "Alright, well this has been fun, but I think that it's time for Ayano and I to head on out. You ready, Aya?"

Ayano nods, and Osano quickly takes her plate, washes it, and a few moments later they're out of the house.

Ayano looks up at Osano. "So, what do we do now?"

Osano shrugs as he pats his pockets, making sure he has everything he needs for the day. "We have a few hours before the picnic, want to go bug one of the others?"

"Sure. Want to go to Amao's? He's probably going to bake something."

"Oh yeah. Who's bringing food, anyways?"

Ayano checks the group chat, reading through yesterday's messages. "Kokona and Riku, apparently."

"Cool. Come on, I know where Amao lives."

Ayano slips her hand into Osano's, lacing their fingers, and they head over to Amao's house, talking about random topics the whole way there.

When they arrive at the Odayaka household, Osano smirks.

"Ever see Amao's disappointed face?" Osano asks.

"I don't...think so?" Ayano responds.

"Watch this."

Ayano opens her mouth to question Osano, but then he starts banging on the door, laughing as he does so.

The door is yanked open, and Amao is armed with a rolling pin. He frowns at Osano when he realizes there's no attacker, and shakes his head disapprovingly, moving to shut the door. Then he spots Ayano.

"Dear, I didn't expect to see you before the picnic! Come on in! I'm baking some brownies right now, but you're welcome to keep me company." Amao moves out of the way, and Ayano smiles before heading inside.

"What, no warm welcome for me? I'm hurt, Amao." Osano steps inside as he sulks.

"You beat up my door every time you come over. It's going to be broken one day if I don't open the door in time!" Amao leads them to his kitchen, and resumes mixing some batter.

"But it's funny." Osano shrugs.

Amao just glares at him, but it's not intimidating at all. It's just cute.

The next hour is spent in Amao's house, with Ayano watching the two boys go back and forth as Amao bakes the brownies and lets them cool. Once he's done, it's time to head to the park.

The walk is nice. The sun is bright, but a light breeze makes the air feel cool. Ayano enjoys the feeling for the entire walk.

When they get to the park, Kokona and Riku are already there, sitting under a tree. Kokona tries to set a blanket on the grass, but the breeze keeps lifting it up. Riku is no help, laughing at her struggle.

Ayano can't help but laugh, alerting the two to their presence.

"Yan!" Kokona greets, waving. The corner she had been holding down flies up. "Can you help me out with this?"

Wordlessly, Ayano picks up four rocks and sets them on the corners.

Kokona blinks. "Oh. That makes sense."

Riku's laughter increases, the boy now clutching his stomach.

"You actually have a checkered blanket?" Osano asks. "This is, like, the stereotypical picnic blanket."

Kokona beams. "What can I say? I'm committed to the aesthetic." She lifts up her basket. "I searched for this basket for three days online, just so I could get one with a flap like this." She opens the top, showing off their food and some cans of pop.

Amao laughs, setting down his container of brownies. "That's wonderful, Kokona."

"Thanks. I'm glad someone appreciates it." She glares at Riku, but she's smiling the whole time. "Come on, sit down. The others should be here soon!"

She's right. Twenty minutes later, the rest of the boys arrive. Taro is the last one, and he smiles sheepishly as he sits down.

"Hanakō was freaking out about the test," Taro explains. Everyone nods at that, remembering how hard the test was.

For the next few hours, Ayano relaxes with the group, talking about anything that comes to mind. It's peaceful, and by the time she's heading home, she feels okay to be alone.

Sometimes, okay is all she needs to get through the day.


Bonjour! I hope you enjoy the start to Week Eight, because I sure do.

1546 words.

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