*Falling Behind Part 2*

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Nicks POV

Once I woke up I had a massive headache. I sat up but flopped back down on my bed,I took in my surroundings and I was in my room. Matt and Chris were asleep.

I rubbed my eyes and went to the bathroom I still looked like shit. I heard the door open and Matt was standing there. "How do you feel...?" He asked rubbing his eyes "still shit but sure it'll pass" I said.

Matt just hugged me which I really wasn't expecting. I was expecting him to be mad or something like that. Mom soon came up and saw me awake. "Nick...come downstairs we need to talk" mom said I looked at Matt and he just smiled.

"Eavesdrop?" He whispered I nodded. I walked downstairs and my dad and Justin were both seated at the table. We all sat down and when I tell you I could have a panic attack right now I would.

"Nick calm down please" Justin said I took a deep breath remembering what Matt told me. "So...we want to understand what's actually going on so we can help you and approach this a better way" dad said.

"Okay...but why's Justin here?" I asked "because if something happens then at least I can help" he said. I nodded.

"So start what's going on?" Dad asked. "I don't know just school kinda hard right now um keeping up with editing and you know the basics" I tried to explain. Mom and dad looked at me confused.

I looked at Justin as he knew what I was talking about. "What he's saying bis his anxiety is to much at school and he's struggling mentally which is affecting his education and his mental and physical health" Justin explained.

"We should've noticed! This was a simple thing and we couldn't even notice it with our own son?! The skipping meals looked pale dizziness. Why only now have I noticed it!" Mom said getting mad at herself.

Matt came down to get some water I knew he was listening from the stairs. He just looked at me and we both broke out in laughter. "Triplets eh?" Dad said making us laugh more.

"Matt go away this is serious" Justin said laughing as well. Matt ran upstairs with his water. I still had a smile on my face and trying not laugh considering the talk we were having.

"Nick so would you like a few days off school? Don't worry Matt and Chris will stay home to" mom said I nodded. I should be able to recover within a few days.

"Go on upstairs now" I ran upstairs meeting Matt at the top. "Is Chris still sleeping?" I asked "yeah he's being lazy again" Matt said.

Matt took out some banadages and looked at my arms "can I?" He asked I nodded. As he bandaged my arms trying not to hurt me but it's okay it was my fault.

"There and later we will just need to put some
cream on them okay?" He said I nodded. At this point Matt was acting like the oldest.

Chris soon woke up and just looked around all confused. "What?" He asked in his sleepy voice "Calm down buddy your at home" Matt said Chris fell back asleep.

"Nick? How you doing?" Dad asked I just smiled "fine" I replied I forgave them everythigg bc was fine. I got to explain what was happening and they understood.

They sent me to therapy for a few months and soon after I was my normal happy self again.


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