one ; spinning in my highest heels

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JOIE DE VIVRE , chapter one ೃ⁀➷

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JOIE DE VIVRE , chapter one


GENEVIEVE'S AMBER EYES glowed under the light of a hundred candles as she secured a loosening hair pin. She watched the unpolished movements of the dancers at the centre of the party. It was strangely captivating, how they moved under the flickering light. Soft music rose from the band at the far end of the room, and Genevieve found herself gently swaying along to the melody.

In her small number of years as the Paris Opera's prima donna, she had discovered that she quite enjoyed the social gatherings at the end of each season: there was food aplenty, something she lacked in her everyday life, and merriment was had by all. She had perfected the role of the easy, well-bred young lady as if it was her part in an opera and had become quite successful with the people Dubois invited to each gala.

She made her way through the gathering, accepting compliments with a graceful smile as she walked, and found herself in front of the buffet. Steaming food was arranged prettily on silver plates. Tempted, Genevieve reached towards a small plate of macarons. Her eyes squeezed shut with satisfaction as the rich, nutty taste of the pastry filled her mouth.

"Geneveive, what are you doing?" a smooth voice distracted her from the pastry. It was followed by haughty snickers from the three girls Genevieve had come to see as friends.

Swallowing, Genevieve faced the three girls and said simply, "I'm eating. That is what the food is for."

"You are such a queer little thing, ma cherie," Gabrielle, the ringleader of their little troupe, giggled. Shaking her head bemusedly, she turned and began to walk away. The other girls followed, and Genevieve hurried to collect a selection of pastries in a napkin which she tucked behind a statue that the group passed. She would come back for them at the end of the night.

As they walked, Genevieve listened to the girls' chatter about their lives outside of the opera's parties: Gabrielle despaired over her father's choice in suitors, Béatrice was disappointed in her latest dress and Céline's mother had refused her a new horse. They rattled off their troubles, sighing dramatically as they retold the stories of their disappointments. Genevieve's skin flushed as she imagined how wonderful it would be to have such trivial worries. The brunette listened intently as Béatrice complained over the colour of her new gown.

Despite having spent the afternoon spinning a story of upper-class despair, the girls' questions after her own life barely registered in Genevieve's mind. The singer's attention had shifted to snapshots of a nearby, hushed conversation. She found herself moving towards the voices; she had little control over her movements as if she were sleepwalking.

"I've heard that she's difficult to work with," one voice whispered.

"She has mediocre talent," the other responded, "I've found myself rather bored of her recent performances - each one is much the same as the other."

A frown worked its way onto Genevieve's delicate features as she listened to the cruel words. Gabrielle called to her, but the soprano gestured for her to be quiet.

The first voice added, "I can only hope Dubois is really planning to take on the Swiss girl - what's her name? Brodeur? My cousin saw her last month and said she's quite the prodigy."

"Anything's better than a wooden little Bisset. She seems a nice enough girl, if you know what I mean, but her voice doesn't half grate."

Anger flared up in Genevieve's chest and her fingers clenched into fists; her neatly-trimmed nails dug painfully into the palms. As she forced back furious tears, pain blossomed in her throat.

A cool hand wrapped around her upper arm, dragging her attention away from the cruel conversation. She turned her face in the direction of the hand. Phillipe, her counterpart in the theatre, cocked his head to the side as he looked into her eyes. His eyebrows raised slightly, questioning. She shook her head.

"Are you alright?"

"Oui. Everything is just fine."

Pulling away, Genevieve shrugged his hand from her arm. She glanced back briefly, smiling to reassure the man, and he nodded calmly back to her.

"What was that about?" Céline asked as the soprano joined her friends.

"Don't worry," Genevieve waved her hand absently, and she gestured for them to continue their lap of the room.

Béatrice sighed wistfully before following, "Isn't Phillipe the dreamiest - oh, how I wish he'd asked me to dance!"

Gabrielle snickered, "He only has eyes for our Genevieve, anyone could see."

"Oh shush," Genevieve returned, "Don't talk such nonsense - we are merely talented actors."

"Humble," Béatrice grumbled.

"Always," the singer smirked half-heartedly.

The girls laughed, but Genevieve found her heart was not in it. Her thoughts found themselves turning back to the earlier overheard conversation, and her chest felt tight. She looked around the room: the light from the many candles suddenly felt too bright and her skin too hot. She tapped her fingers rhythmically on a nearby table.


The brunette hummed a response as she turned back towards her three friends.

"Did you not hear me?" Béatrice laughed, "I asked if you could put a good word in with Phillipe for me."

"Your Father won't approve, ma cherie," Céline said softly.

"For heaven's sake, it is only a bit of fun!"

The conversation barely registered in Genevieve's mind as if she were underwater. She snatched a flute of champagne from a passing butler's tray and quickly drank it as she watched the nearby dancing couples. The array of colourful skirts was gentle on her eyes. When she drew herself back to the conversation, she found Gabrielle watching her. The other girl's dark eyebrows were drawn and - for a flickering moment - Genevieve thought she saw something in her blue eyes: disgust.


ੈ✩‧₊˚ erin speaks ✧ ˚ · .

[#] i hope you enjoyed the third first chapter!
i'm desperate to write this story, but i want it to
be perfect so it's taken several attempts - but third time lucky!

[#] i was hoping to get this chapter to you
all last week, but i kept forgetting to write
because i got so busy with mocks - sorry
about that! but i will try to be more regular
with updates from now on :)

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