Chapter 31: Who is Izuku Kayama?

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"Nemuri," Nemuri turned to the old woman with tired eyes, she hasn't sleep for three days. The mother was hoping that her son would wake up and she will be the first person he sees. "Sweetheart, you need a rest.""I will rest here." Chiyo shook her head, she was not going to deal with the mother's stubbornness. Izuku's already bad enough, she doesn't need Nemuri's now."No, you need actual rest. Go home, I'll stay here with Izuku and update you if any news come." The nurses tone left no room for argument, but even with that Nemuri still didn't want to leave.She rubbed her eyes with her hands, one could see that she has been suffering from the symptoms of insomnia. She hasn't slept or even got six hours of sleep to be able to perform. Nemuri sighed and spoke to Chiyo.

"Ok, you win. I will go home for a quick nap, but then I'm coming back here to stay with Izuku." Nemuri told Chiyo and the woman sighed, it wasn't much but she will take this a morale victory. Recovery Girl usher Midnight out the room, but before the mother left she kissed her son on his forehead."I love you, Izuku. Please wake up." Nemuri begged of him as she turned to leave, but before she left she placed headphones into his ears and played a song on a green Ipod shuffle. Nemuri wants her son to have his music when he wakes.She then turned to leave and when she got outside, she saw the others that had been with her at the hospital. Smoker, Naomasa, All Might, Endeavor, Jeanist, Mt. Lady, Torino, and Nezu. All who knew that truth about Izuku.They were all here to discuss what has happened over the last three days. "How is he?" Smoker asked as he was leaning on the wall. The man didn't get an answer so that told all he needed to know.

"Don't give up hope, Nemuri. Izuku is strong, he will wake up." All Might tried to cheer up the poor woman, but the sad look on her face was not going away."What new information have you learned from you tests, Chiyo?" Torino spoke this time and elder nurse looked to him."Nothing helpful. Izuku is a coma, his quirks are protecting him from any incision we try to make." Chiyo told them and Mt. Lady decided to speak next."Is there anything else?" The young here asked as she went over to comfort the mother. Chiyo shook her head and told them more."I'm sure you all notice his new look, I can't explain that neither." Chiyo opened her eyes this time as she looked at everyone in the hallway. "In all my years in medical and quirk science I have never seen anything like this. My kisses won't even bring out of his coma, it's like something his keeping him asleep." Everyone said silent for a moment and then Naomasa spoke.

"Things are not good." Everyone turned to the calm voice of detective as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "The public is in a frenzy outside, the same goes for the city. They don't trust the cops, no less the heroes.""Can you blame them?" Jeanist came next as he elaborated on the situation from the public view. "They lost trust when they found out their chief was dirty, now add that to the pros that swore to protect them. I would lose my trust as well.""Well, there's also another problem." Smoker spoke as he told everyone on the situation on the chief and Hosu police force. "Internal affairs is looking into the situation and right now it's bad, very bad. Since the chief, judges, and pros were dirty they are looking into old case files that they worked on. They are being reopened because there is likely chance that the cases may have been tampered with. Which means..."

"A lot individuals that we put away could be walking out of prison soon." Endeavor finished for the man and Smoker grimly nodded his head. Everyone was quiet now, they were in a massive shit storm and it was only going to get worse as time passed."We can look at that later. Right now Izuku is our main concern. They're going to be guards looking at him, correct?" All Might asked and Endeavor answered his rival."I'm having four of my sidekicks stay at the hospital. Two stay outside of the room and the two guarding the perimeter. I've given them strict order that no one, but Recovery Girl and her chosen are allowed in." All Might and took a glance at Midnight, the woman looked numb to all of this. She's probably not even listening to this conversation, probably not during them."We also have another problem to add already stacking list." Everyone, but Nemuri turned to Nezu to see a look that they don't always see on his face. It was serious look that replaced the calm one that the animal is known for.

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