A Friend

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Disclaimer: I don't own Alice in Wonderland.

A week had passed since Alice once again left. Even though he had his family back it was still hard for him to see her leave Wonderland. He was madly in love with her and had been since she came back the first time and saved them from the bloody big head.

The Hatter understood why she had left. Just like him Alice had a family that she loved and needed to be there for. The problem was that he loved her and hated to see her go. He tried not to let it bother him but everyone knew that he was heartbroken.

A knock at his door caught his attention. He put down the hat he was making and answered the door. It was Cheshire. He had come for a visit. What confused him was that his friend was in human form. He liked his feline form more so he rarely used his human one.

Hatter did have to admit that his human form was gorgeous. He had dark gray hair with glowing blue streaks. Laying on top were two cat ears. His hair was short and fluffy. It was like his fur. His hair framed his face. He had a slight tan and a few freckles. His eyes were wide and cat-like. They were a beautiful glowing blue with hints of green. His lips were in a wide smile and a light pink. Cheshire's nose was button-like. He only reached Hatter's shoulders and his tail swayed behind him.

Today he wore a white long sleeve button up shirt and a black vest over it. The vest was open. Cheshire had on a pair of black skinny jeans with holes at the knees. His bright blue shoes were the only spec of color besides his hair, ears, and tail.

"Good afternoon Terrance." He greeted him.




Now the feline was confused. "Why what?"

"Why are you here? Why are you in your human form?" Tarrant asked.

"I'm here to see you of course. I figured this form would help you talk."

"Oh. Talk about what?" He asked.

Cheshire leaned against the door. "Alice."

That made the eccentric man shut down. "There is nothing to talk about."

"Yes there is." He said.

"Ches!" Tarrant warned.

"Let me give you a reason." He said.


"For why you need to talk." He answered.

"If I let you, am I allowed to say no?" He asked.

Cheshire gave him a smile. "Yes. And I won't try getting you to talk again. I will wait for you to bring it up."


"Great. Now even though you understand doesn't mean you aren't hurting. Talking about it will help." He said.

"Hurting? Hurting over what?" He asked.

"Her leaving." He said.

"Why would her leaving hurt me?" He gave Cheshire a confused look.

"I know you love her." He said.

Hatter looked at his friend in shock. "How?"

"You weren't exactly subtle." He replied dryly. 'It hurt every time I saw it.'

"Oh." A blush appeared on his face.



"You're not ready to talk, are you?"


"Then let's play, find the Cheshire." He suggested.


"Yeah. Just promise me that you'll talk to me or someone when you are ready." He said.

Hatter smiled at him. "I will. I promise."


"I guess."

Hatter was touched by that. His friend was concerned about him and had tried to help. He was glad when the feline didn't try to push him to talk when he realized Hatter was not ready. Instead he made him promise to talk when he was and then changed subjects. He even went with the Hatter's favorite game. It would keep his mind off Alice which was something he needed.


"Yes, yes I am."

"Great. I shall go hide." With that he disappeared from sight.

A Cheshire and A HatterWhere stories live. Discover now