Chapter 2

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This chapter might be a little boring but i need to introduce how her life is on a normal basis. I hope you will like it, and i am sorry it has been forever since i have uploaded but i should be uploading more often now.

BTW thats kinda what javier is suppoed to look like.



I walked down the hallway into the kitchen but nothing was there. So I walked around the corner to the living room. And...


Saya's pov

When I reached the living room I see movement in the corner by the couch, I cautiously walk over to the couch to find Alex huddled in a ball in the corner.

"Oh, Alex what is wrong? What happened?!" I asked, slightly hysterical. He just sat there saying nothing shacking his head.

"Alex? Alex it is aright tell me what happened," I said in a calmer voice. This time he answered me.

"Something touched me. It was cold," He said staring off into space.

"Where Alex? Where did it touch you?" I asked extremely worried of his answer this time. He didn't say anything he just pointed at his back.

"It hurts," he then said. I made him turn around, I lifted up his shirt to discover an X on his back. It wasn't just an x it was claw mark. I was scared, this had only happened once in my life, when I was five, I still have the scar to prove it. I didn't want to frighten him anymore then he already was. So brought him to the kitchen and cleaned him up. He had gone back to normal for the most part but was still a little scare.

"Alex I need you to tell me what that crash was, or where it came from," I said after he calmed down.

"I am not sure, but I think it came from the bathroom. I heard it and when to go see what it was and then-" he stop, I could tell he did want to remember the feeling he had when he got the marks, and neither did I. I knew what he meant so I didn't make him finish.

"Go to my room and sit with Athelia, don't tell her anything except for, I am talking care of it and it is alright. Ok?"

"ok," he said timidly hopping off the counter. I walk with him until I reached the bathroom, I waited until he was in my room to open the door. When I did I instantly felt uncomfortable. I walked in to the bathroom and saw the mirror had been shattered.

"What in god's earth could have done this," I thought to myself. The longer I stared at the mirror the more my bloody ran cold. I didn't have time to talk care of this, both of our schools started in an hour and it was Athelia's first day of school it's self. I left the bathroom kinda shaken but I ignored the feeling. I returned to my room and hurried the kids to finish getting ready. Athelia didn't ask about anything and Alex seem to completely forget about the scratches.

I got the kids in the car and we drove to school. I walk both of them to their classes. I told Alex the after school he had to pick up Athelia and wait outside or in the office for me. I then when to the office to drop off some paperwork that had to be sign. The office staff was cool with me signing everything because we had already been through it with Alex. I arrived at school in just enough time to hang out with some of my friends and forget about everything that happened this morning.

Later during lunch...

I got my lunch and eagerly found my way to my friends at our table, that we have been at since our first day as freshman. Our group of friends weren't exactly normal as you can say. There's the twins (Maria, and James) the popular ones, but not the type that think they are better then everyone else. Casandra our overly excited one. Cody the jock/ perv but we still love him. Sam he was one of those hot, perverted nerds. Then there was Javier and me we were what people considered the goth/emo couple. And yes I did say couple, we have been together since the beginning of sophomore year. Though this didn't stop people from hitting on either one of us. At times he reminded me exactly of Dante from devil may but with black hair.

I was greeted by Casandra with the usual tackle hug which almost made me fall over. "Ok. Ok I get it nice to see you too," I said laughing.

"Oops. Sorry," she said looking very apologetic.

"It is ok. That's just you being you," giving her another hug.

"So Saya when are you going to leave your boyfriend and try me on for size?" Cody asked.

"Ha! When I believe in god," I replied with a smile on my face. They joke like this all the time.

"At least let us see your boobs then," Sam said.

"Ya," James agreed.

"Ah. Let me think about that.... NO!" I said smacking them both in the head.

"Pigs," Casandra and Maria said together. I had not sat down yet, and I was about to but then I felt a hand starting to sneak its way up my thigh. Jeez this happens to often. So I spun around aiming to punch him in the face.

"Keep your dirty hands off me!" I yelled.

"Hey hey wait Saya it's me!" Javier said stopping my hand.

"Oh sorry. Ugh don't do that with out saying something to let me know it is you! One of these days you are going to do that and you are going to miss my hand and I am really going to hit you," I said kinda angry but still sorry.

"I know but it is so funny," he replied kissing me.

"No it's not. I don't want to hurt you," I replied.

"Oh I wouldn't make a difference from the first time we met."

"Ugh don't remind me, but you still deserved it."

"Haha yeah I guess," We kissed one more time and them sat down at the table. Lunch continued as normal, we caught up on everyone's life, and we even planed on have a party this weekend at my house since my mother of course is never home.

The school day ended to soon, but lucky for me all my friends came over to my house. Before they came in I wanted to make sure that my mom was not here. Her bed had not been slept in and she was not where in the house so I let them in. We had two hours before I had to go and get Alex and Athelia.

"So what do you guys want to do now that we are all here?" I asked them.

"I don't know," They spoke in unison. I sighed, I knew they were going to stay that.

"Wait! How about we go swimming?" Casandra suggested excitedly.

"Yeah," they all said together. Then they looked at me for an answer.

"Oh all right," kinda sad only because I am the only one of us with a pool so that's just about all we do here. Like I said before this is about all we do here so they just leave a pair of their swimming suites here. The boys get their swimming suites from my room then go and change somewhere else, while the girls and me change in my room. My friends are the only people besides my mother who know about my scar, so I don't have to hind it from them. However I have worked very hard to hide it from my siblings. I didn't want them to ask question and be afraid all the time. I never though it would happen again but I guess I was wrong.

" um.. Saya would u care to explain why the mirror in the bathroom is shattered?" Javier ask from outside the door.

"Shit! Um you know me and my clumsiness, my brush accidentally flew from my hand and hit the mirror. I didn't have time to clean it up this morning before I had to take the kids to school." I lied as smoothly as I could. He seemed to believe me and said not to worry about it he would clean it up for me. He really was a great boyfriend and best friend, and I didn't like hiding this from him but I just couldn't tell him this. Just because I don't hide my marks from them doesn't mean I told them the real reason of how I got it. I wouldn't be able to handle the way they would look at me after I told them the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2013 ⏰

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