Chapter 5: I wasn't the only one?

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Morden's POV:

It was 6:AM in the morning I was the only one awake at that time. I was practicing my spells a few feet away from the camp, a few minutes later I went back to get a jar of water since I was very..very thirsty.I chugged a lot of water the second I had it in my hand. Suddenly I saw Iris throwing fireballs in the giant rocks near our tent, she was stressed for some reason. "Who even is he.." "Who..?" I asked her "In my dream I saw a guy with ginger hair..A-and he reminds me of your dead friend tucker" I stared at her as if she just insulted me in my native language..And I don't even know if I have one, "What happened in the dream..?" "He crawled out of his grave infront of were there too and was standing infront of him- it looked like he was coming towards you instead of me.." "You sure?" She stare at me in a frustrated look "Do I look like I'm not sure?" she rubs her eyebags "U-uhh" I shrugged and gave her some leftover soup "You can finish it, I'll go catch some fish in the meantime.." I left the campsite and went to a cliff from the northern side of the Island..I hid behind a tree to prevent myself caught by some alphas, I slowly took my fishing rod from my bag trying not to get their attention..Suddenly I heard someone yell "Who's there?" I froze.

I looked down at the cliff infront of me, bits of small rocks slowly fell down..I thought if I make a small hole or cut for me to hang onto cliff those alphas won't catch me, or I can just kill them with my death curse. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer, but for some reason..the shadow I'm seeing sort of didn't looked human.

there we squares around the entity dissapearing and reappearing again and again, the entity does have a humanoid figure, except they have a strangely..giant arm kind of like the ones you see on atlanteans in the dark sea..The other arm atleast looked human with a bracelet around their wrist, I turned to see..Tucker? "Don't worry about them, I deleted their files" he said with a smile...a damn smile, why Tucker "Your actually..alive??" "undead actually..It's been a while morden! How are ya?" for some reason he looks like me but inverted.

He has a white coat on with a grey scarf around his neck, he has a bandage wrapped around his right knee with bits of blood coming out, like his coat the rest of his clothes are white, he also has a white vest and a jabot in his collar..For some strange reason his under shirt was a bit dirty, baggy pants, and silver belt, his giant atlantean arm was so big it ripped half of his left sleeve. His ginger hair was a bit longer, not as long to reach to his shoulders but not as short either as his old hairstyle. His left eye was black and he has a blue pupil, while his right eye was completely normal..Which sort of doesn't hide the fact his abnormal but sort of joyful ear-to-ear grin looked like it was stuck in his face.

"..I'm sort of better..still traumatized after seeing you...undead" "I can see why" I got up and walked towards him slowly, I was still scared knowing he's an undead guy.. "I should go back to camp- w-wait did you met my friends?" "yeah yeah..that red-haired friend of yours seems pretty rageful hehehe" "she's always like'll get used to it" tucker shrugs and floats towards me "Why don't we mess with the quote-on-quote island owners" "the wolves?" "yeahh those fellas! Their very chaotic y'know?" I wasn't sure if making Tucker fight the wolves was a good idea, I mean yeah he already deleted one of them out of existence just to save me, but because he's very powerful it might be too much for those wolves to handle..He might even make all of them vanish in a second, but since we're friends guess we can spend some time and cause "a bit" of chaos.

An hour passed and we decided go back to the campsite to cook some fish and soup, I handed Tucker some mushroom soup, he blows a bit of the visible hot air in the soup and took a spoon, eating the soup with a smile "this is nice not gonna lie.." he told me and continued to eat the rest of the soup. I looked down at iris who was under the pot. And yes, we made her the fire for our food since we ran out of firewood "How long am I gonna be in this position for?" Iris said to Neviro, as he responded with "Probably until 11-" Iris scoffed and yelled"11..?Eleven!? Wow, how helpful of you, Your highness"Neviro looked away from her and later repiled with "...Or even until midnight" "what is wrong with you!?" She yelled causing the flames around her to grow bigger. Neviro took a spoon and poured soup into his bowl while looking down at iris with a grin. I rolled my eyes since she yelled so loudly for not reason. I took a piece of meat in my soup and bite it a bit too aggressively...What? I'm straving mkay?

(yeah that's it :')

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