The longer Finnick stared at it, the more exhausted he was.

"Well," he said. "If you're not going to sleep, I will."

As Finnick settled against the trunk of a tree, his mind drifted toward the things that plagued his heart. He had vivid dreams of Amara, Adrien, and Annie.

There were flashes of a life in District Four that had all of them around the table again. He and Mags were there with them, laughing and talking about everything. Mags had her voice back, and everything was as it should be.

The life Finnick had been fighting for was almost in hand.

When that dream ended, there was nothing. Just darkness, and Finnick found himself resting in that darkness. He found peace in the nothingness of his mind, and there was a brief moment where he didn't have to worry about anything but breathing in and out.


Amara sighed in relief as she watched them use the spile and settle in for the evening. The bloodbath was over. He survived this far; surely he could make it to the end.

She watched as Finnick's breathing slowed. Out of the corner of her eye, she knew Haymitch was watching her.

Adrien and Jade were both slumped against the back of the couch, out cold.

They both sat there watching as Finnick, Mags, and Peeta fell asleep.

"She needs to learn to trust people," Amara said, and Haymitch shrugged.

"Do you blame her? She thinks Finnick is going to kill her in the end. Would you trust him?"

She wouldn't. She would never be able to sleep peacefully beside someone she thought was going to slice her neck the moment she closed her eyes.

"She trusts you," Amara pointed out, watching as Katniss began nodding off.

"It's because of that, she agreed to ally herself with Four," Haymitch pointed out. There was a moment of silence that hung between them before he spoke up again. "Why haven't you sent in any money?"

Amara didn't even blink.

"They haven't needed me. The Heiress sponsored the spile, but nothing else has popped up."

Haymitch continued to stare at her curiously. For someone so rich, she really could change the world. She could single-handedly fund the revolution. He wondered if she truly knew how much power she had.

Amara, however, watched as the tributes allowed themselves a moment of peace. Even Katniss managed to close her eyes for a bit.


Finnick embraced the comfort of the darkness. There was something peaceful about have a moment of nothingness. There were no fears and no death in this dreamless state.

He could have stayed there forever.

That moment ended when Katniss cried out. She screamed in agony for a few brief seconds and they all jerked awake.

"Run! The fog is poison!"

It didn't take long for Mags to climb on his back as they all ran through the woods. It was creeping in from all sides as they ran furthur and further. They didn't know which direction they were going.

The Heiress {Finnick Odair}Where stories live. Discover now