"Me and Allena are searching all warehouses and empty buildings call when you have update lets roll out." I order they all roll out Athena grabs my arm.

"Buck think before you act PD is on it you have to trust us."

"What find him on the state low resources fuck that I have anything I need for this you can run yours but since me and Eddie are dating they didn't just take a child they took some one who is high value and if they are aware things could go sideways I over power you Athena so get out of my way you coming or not Snippet!"

"High value?" Athena scoffs.

"Best times and not to mention 400,000k salary who's squad has earned this country 8.5 millions in recovered lost and gained assets in the 4 years that we were together so yeah I'd say high value." They all gasp as I walk out Allena close behind me getting in my car not wasting anytime to get going.




Buck was different it's hard to believe that the same Buck, he has a kid when the hell did he get a kid. Eddie and Buck dating holy shit Buck making that much a year now holy fucking shit. "He seemed different." Hen said rubbing the back of her neck shuddering at the way they were talking what did Death as Buck calls her mean by we deal with them a different way and Buck just nodded his head. "That wasn't Buck." Eddie said dryly knowing what he means by that but we don't. "What?" "That was his code name Ghost the other side of him we don't know and probably never will same with the change in Allena they weren't civilians right there they were full blown SEALS. Dangerous and reckless they will do whatever it takes legal or not to bring Chris and the other children home and probably very not legal some of the stuff so yes he probably would have shoved Athena out of the way."

"Eddie they can't go full on military in LA that's dangerous." I say softly and he scoffs shaking his head pulling out his phone. "I'm gonna go pick up the Bailey." Eddie says Athena stopping him confused as hell. "Who?" She asks and Eddie sighs shaking his head tears in his eyes. "Buck goddaughter he doesn't know what to call her yet in that front." He says softly and Athena gives another confused look. "Buck is a godfather for one, for two why would he have his goddaughter?"

"It's Benny's baby mother told Buck she didn't want to be a mother and it was his choice weather she went up for adoption or if he decides to keep her since him and Benny were so close and he's the godfather." He say we look sadly remembering how hurt he was after the funeral that brought him back to us. "So a baby fell into his lap." Chimney asks when Maddie walks in her pregnant belly looking stressed. "Is my brother here and did anyone know that he had a child?"

Eddie grabs the baby instantly taking her out of the car seat holding her Maddie even more confused than before. "Uh yeah it's his goddaughter long story short Benny's widow left her with Buck saying she couldn't be a mother." Hen says wait she knew the whole time what the hell is with this crazy week. "Ok so what the hell is going on he was half way in his military jacket telling me to watch the baby I don't even know her name and ran out."

"Chirs was kidnaped from school Buck and his team are going rouge but apparently with permission from his bosses." Chimney says Maddie face drops as she looks at Eddie who is holding the baby who can't be more than 7 or 8 days old in his arms close to his chest tears in his eyes. "Wait why isn't he letting the police handle it?" She asks and Hen bites her lip trying to figure out how to word it. "He said they can run theirs but he has federal clearance to do what needs to be done and that if find out that Eddie and Buck are dating that makes Chris a high value target due to his salary and how much him and his team has brought the country." Hen says softly as Maddie looks like she gonna have an stroke. "Dating a newborn what the hell Buck! He said he'd never date after something went down with an old boyfriend don't know what all I know is Buck hates the dude now."

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