Week Seven, Wednesday

Start from the beginning

    “Mujo, he’s just trying to ask for your number,” Ayano says, deciding to do her job as matchmaker and help her teacher.

    Mujo just blinks. “Well, why didn’t you just say so?”

    Mido sighs and shrugs, handing over his phone.

    As Mujo puts in his number, he asks, “So, you’re not actually making a phone book, right?”

    Ayano leaves before they hear her laughing again, finally going to the council room.

    When she gets there, all four girls are already patrolling around. Ayano reads through a few more students before the bell rings. 

    Ayano can’t help but chuckle when Mido walks in, face still a bit red. He glares at her, but the smile that’s stuck to his face ruins any effect it could’ve had on her. The bell rings, and Mido starts the lesson. To the rest of the class, he’s oddly distracted by his thoughts. Ayano knows better, and just smiles as she writes down her notes.

    The bell for lunch rings, and Ayano quickly finds herself being pulled towards the roof by the two boys in her class. She laughs for the third time today, happiness spreading through her entire body. 

    Her friends notice her mood when she sits down for lunch.

    “You look happier than usual today, dear.” Amao points it out first, handing out cookies to everyone as he speaks.

    “It’s been a wonderful day,” Ayano replies. “I’ve been enjoying myself.”

    “That’s good,” Oko says, and the rest of the group nods. 

    Ayano talks with her friends as they all eat, the happiness never fading...until she spots Kokoro, who’s typing something.

    Ayano reaches for her phone, feeling some of her happiness slip away. Because now she feels bad. Here she is, enjoying herself and forgetting her fears more and more with each passing day.

    She opens up her chat with Musume. 

    ‘ Want to come eat lunch with us on the roof? ’ Ayano sends the text.

    Her phone buzzes soon after.

    ‘ Are you sure? Do they want me around? I know I’ve been awful...what if they, like, hate me? 

    The self-awareness in the text, mixed with the obvious worry, makes Ayano feel guilty . Because Musume finally realizes that she’s been a bad person, and wants to fix it...and is stuck dealing with fear while Ayano can shove it aside, can ignore it as it dissipates. 

    Ayano feels guilty for promising to help Musume, to be a friend, and forgetting about her so quickly in the rush to see all of her other friends.

    Ayano looks up at her group. “Guys,” she starts, and after a few seconds, everyone is silent. “I’m inviting Musume to sit with us for lunch.”

    “What?” Kokona asks.

    “She’s all alone now. Her little squad left her, and she’s terrified of him .” Everyone knows what she means. “I want to be a friend to her and help her. She doesn’t deserve to be left because she’s scared. And she realized that she needs to change her act. She’s working on herself. But she needs friends.”

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