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The next day, Lyra woke at precisely six o’clock in the daylight at their family house, particularly her bed

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The next day, Lyra woke at precisely six o’clock in the daylight at their family house, particularly her bed. As she opened her eyes, she was greeted by the pleasant aroma of her favourite bacon sandwich and a full glass of orange juice, which was placed on a tray beside her bed. The tray looked beautifully arranged, with a small vase of freshly picked flowers adding to its charm. Lyra couldn’t help but wonder who could have been kind enough to prepare such a lovely breakfast for her.

Then Lyra thought, maybe it was JJ. She did, in fact, told him where they hid their spare key. Or was it Klyd, who seldom spent his days in the house? Or was it JJ, whom she had once told about the spare key? She shrugged her thoughts and decided to enjoy her meal before getting ready for the day ahead.

Lyra tied her hair into a messy bun and made a few strides to enter the lavatory. She twisted the doorknob and stepped inside, feeling the coolness of the tiles beneath her feet. She grabbed her towel from the rack and wrapped it around herself before splashing her face with water. As she examined herself in the mirror, she felt grateful for the little things in life and smiled, feeling ready to start the day ahead.

Lyra is about to take off her Minions printed pyjamas when somebody chooses to disrespect her beloved tiny yellow animated creatures.

“I gotta say, minions are overrated,”

Lyra felt a jolt of surprise as the frosted glass sliding door that separated the shower area unlocked, revealing JJ leaning nonchalantly at the wall, a juul in his left hand. “Good morning, Minion princess.” he sneered, his eyes flickering with amusement.

Quickly wrapping her towel around her body, Lyra ignored JJ’s unwelcome presence and asked, “Good morning, J. I’m guessing it was you who made breakfast?” She then proceeded to take off her pyjamas while trying her best to avoid JJ’s gaze.

JJ stood up and moved from the tub to sit on the bathroom counter, his eyes still fixed on Lyra. “Yep, I prepared it with love, mi amor.”

Lyra couldn’t help but giggle at JJ’s ridiculous response,  “Thank you, dear kind Sir. Have you broken your fast yet?” She playfully curtsied.

“Eh, watching you eat is enough,” JJ said, a smirk still plastered on his face. Lyra winced in disdain at his corny comeback while JJ cracked up at her reaction. “No, but seriously, what makes you think all of those bacon sandwiches are just yours?” JJ added as Lyra’s excitement fell into a frown.

Lyra had to use all her strength to coax JJ out of the bathroom. She knew he could be stubborn sometimes, but she was determined to succeed. After several minutes of persuasion, Lyra finally managed to get JJ to leave. She breathed a sigh of relief as she shut the door and let her towel fall to the ground. Lyra stepped into the shower and felt warm water cascade over her skin. She stayed there for what felt like hours, indulging in the luxury of a long, relaxing bath.

Meanwhile, JJ was growing increasingly impatient as he waited on the couch. He had been hungry before, but now his stomach was practically growling. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Lyra emerged from the bathroom, wearing only a bathrobe and her hair wrapped in a towel. JJ’s eyes were fixed on her, his gaze following her every movement as she approached him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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