Week Seven, Tuesday

Beginne am Anfang


    When they get to the school, Kizano walks Ayano up to the Student Council room. 

    “At lunch, the Drama Club is going to meet up in the club room. Since there’s no meeting after school, we’re going to vote on our next play during lunch,” Kizano says as they walk through the hall. “I didn’t get a chance to say that during our walk to school, so now you know.”

    Ayano smiles and nods. “You mean we actually use our club room?”

    “Well, darling, it’s not just for show .” He winks as he says the final word.

    “Did you just make a pun?”


    Ayano just sighs and shuts the club room’s door in his face, giggling at the offended, “Darling!” that she hears through the wall. Then she sits down and gets straight to work.




    From reading through papers to morning classes, the hours fly by. When the bell for lunch rings, Ayano moves to follow Kizano. Of course, her life is never that simple nowadays.

    “Ayano, I need you to do something,” Mido calls out, and Kizano sighs.

    “I’ll see you in the club room,” Kizano says, then heads off. 

    “Yes, Mido?” Ayano asks.

    Mido blushes. “I think the first thing we need to figure out is if Mujo is even, well-”

    “If he likes guys or not, right?” Mido nods. “Alright, I’ll go check.”

    Ayano heads down to the Nurse’s Office. Inside, Mujo is, once again, on the floor.

    “Mujo, did you fall?” Ayano asks.

    Mujo yelps at the sudden noise and jumps up. This would be fine, if he didn’t step on a fallen pill bottle and slip on it. Ayano winces when he falls back down with a resounding thud .

    “Are you okay, Mujo?” Ayano asks, walking over to help up the nurse.

    Mujo grimaces. “I think so. I do this a lot. Oh, thank you.” Mujo lets Ayano help him up, and she guides him over to a chair.

    “No problem. You need to watch out more. Be careful.” Ayano picks up the bottle and sets it on his desk.

    Mujo laughs. “I do. I just get so wrapped up in doing whatever task I have that I forget to pay attention to my surroundings.” Then he perks up. “Oh! But you came here for something, didn’t you?”

    Ayano nods, and she knows that she probably seems a bit embarrassed when she speaks. “Yes. I have a friend, and they were wondering if you were, possibly…” Ayano doesn’t know how to ask this best. It’s not something she’d ever ask a faculty member, but Mujo wouldn’t get upset over this question...Would he? “Gay?”

Ayano Aishi, the Emotionless Lover  Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt