Week Seven, Monday

Start from the beginning

    And when he starts to teach, Ayano feels like her neck is going to snap from the whiplash. Because, surprisingly, Mido Rana is a competent teacher. She was starting to wonder if he only knows how to flirt, but as class goes by, he enthusiastically talks about all sorts of topics. Sure, he drops a couple of pick up lines or innuendos throughout the hours, but overall, Ayano is left impressed when the lunch bell rings. 

    And when she walks with Kizano and Osano to the roof, they admit the same.

    “I mean, you have to admit that it’s really weird though. Right?” Osano says as they sit down to join the rest of their lunch group. “I mean, don’t you think it’s kind of odd that he’s flirting with his students?” 

    Ayano nods. “I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting anyone like him to be our teacher. But I’m sure he won’t actually try anything. That’s the quickest way to lose his job.”

    Kizano agrees. “It could be an act, too. To keep attention on him.”

    The idea makes sense, and soon enough they’re bored of the topic. Instead, the three listen to Aso as he tells a story about his club. 

    When the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch, Osano, Kizano, and Ayano make their way back to class. There, they listen to Mido as he flirts and teaches for another few hours.

    When classes end, Mido clears his throat. “I’m glad that our first day has been so pleasant. I hope you will all continue to be such attentive students for me in the future.” He turns to leave, then pauses. “Oh, and Ayano? Will you please follow me to the faculty room? There’s something that needs to be discussed.”

    He steps out of the room without waiting for an answer. Ayano stands up, shrugging to Kizano when he looks at her.

    “Probably Student Council related,” Ayano guesses. “Osano, if I’m not back before cleaning time ends, can you take my bag with you? I’m heading to the Cooking Club today.”

    “Sure, Aya,” Osano responds immediately. 

    When Ayano steps out into the hall, Mido is standing across the hall. He waves for her to follow him.

    “You said you have something to be discussed? Is there something that the Student Council should know?” Ayano asks.

    Mido looks back at her, and he seems...oddly bashful. “Yes, there is. No, it isn’t about the Student Council.” He blushes, then, and Ayano isn’t sure what he’s about to say.

    So the jumble of words that comes out of his mouth, well, Ayano has every right to be lost.

    “I’ve heard that you’re a bit of a matchmaker around this school and I want your help because I ran into that hot nurse and he’s the most adorable person I’ve ever met and I think I fell in love at first sight.” Mido’s face is red as he finishes his ungodly run on sentence.

Ayano takes half a minute just to figure out what he said. “You...want me to set you up...with Mujo?” 

Mido doesn’t respond, just nods quickly.

Ayano blinks. “I...sure?”

“Really?” Mido sighs, relieved. “Thank you. I have no idea what to do.”

“Why do you need my help, though? Not to be offensive, but you’ve been fine flirting with my peers all day.”

Mido chuckles awkwardly. “See, that’s just fun. It keeps them listening to the subject, and I have to say the reactions are great. But I like Mujo. I’d mess up if I tried flirting with him. I don’t know if he’d be able to tell that I’m flirting, anyways! Or if he’s interested in guys.” Mido looks even more worried, and Ayano sighs.

“Mr. Rana, we’ll figure this out. I’ll help you starting tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay. You can head to your club now.” 

Ayano smiles and moves to leave.

“Oh, and just call me Mido. If you’re giving me love advice, we’re on equal ground here.”

Ayano nods and heads off to the Cooking Club. On the way, she notices Musume, who is quickly rushing down the steps. She seems panicked, and easily startled, so Ayano doesn’t try to call out to her. Instead, she continues on her way. When she gets to the club room, all of the other members are there, chatting and making octodogs. Amao and Osano look up as she shuts the door, curious.

    “So, what did he want to talk about, dear?” Amao asks. “Osano caught me up,” He quickly adds on.

    “He wants me to,” Ayano sighs, knowing what she’s about to hear, “Mido wants me to help him to date another faculty member.”

    The scream of, “I knew it!” can probably be heard throughout the entire school. Ayano has a feeling that, if he strains his ears, even Aso can hear it in the gym. 

    Osano laughs at her defeated face. “Aya, we knew you’d be back at it again sooner or later. You’re just a natural Cupid.”

    “Cupid is a guy,” Amao cuts in. “She’s more like...Aphrodite!”

    “Guys I’m not a goddess,” Ayano says. “And I’m not some love angel, either. I’m just me.”

    “But Akademi’s Aphrodite has such a nice ring to it.” Amao pouts.

    “And there’s nothing ‘ just ’ about you, Aya,” Osano adds.

    Ayano beams. “Thanks, Osano. And we’re not giving me another nickname just because I’ve helped a few people date. That’s just me, no Cupid’s or Aphrodite’s involved.”

    Osano and Amao lock eyes for a moment, then nod.

    “You’re right, dear. You’re wonderful on your own.” Amao taps her on the nose at the end, and Ayano just blinks. 

    Ayano isn’t really sure how to respond, too distracted by the heat in her cheeks. So she doesn’t. Instead, she lets the conversation shift, joining the rest of the club. The time flies by after, and soon enough she’s being walked home by her five friends. She waves them goodnight, locks her door, and goes through her nightly routine.

    Sleep comes easily, and it’s a wonderful start to the week.


Did you expect this outcome?

1588 words.

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