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Nicks POV

I already had a massive headache and I didn't know what to do. I was so tired. I threw on a hoodie and put the hood up then proceeded to make breakfast for Matt and Chris.

I made enough for them both,I didn't have an appetite so I didn't eat. I set their food out on the table and go their drinks out.

I laid down on the couch promising myself I wouldn't fall asleep. I fell asleep.

after 20 minutes I woke up again. I picked my phone up and scrolled through Instagram but my head hurt so much. I placed my phone down thinking it would help the headache but it didn't it just made it worse.

I heard Matt and Chris laughing as they walked downstairs so I sat up. They went over to the table and looked at me "NICK WHAT THE FUCK!" Chris shouted "THIS FOOD IS FUCKING COLD" Matt shouted.

"Guys please I feel ill enough" I said they just laughed "stop faking it Nick. You always do this for attention like seriously get a hold of yourself" Chris said as he threw his food into the microwave.


I ran up to my room and locked the bathroom door and I fell to my knees and started throwing up. My tears running down my face as more and more puke came flying out my mouth.

I leaned against the wall and chuckled. "They don't care..." I said drunkly although I wasn't I just felt really dizzy and ill. Before I could do anything I threw up all over myself which I felt disgusting about.

Matts POV

Nick went upstairs as me and Chris warmed up our food and started talking about Nick. He was asking for attention "he looked fine stupid kid" Chris said rolling his eyes I laughed.

Me and Chris threw the food in the bin and made some ACTUAL food. "This is better" I said "yeah better than 'I'm Mr AtTeNtIoN sEeKeR'" Chris laughed.

After we ate we sat on the couch and started talking and laughing. "He hasn't came out of his room" I said Chris rolled his eyes.

"Who cares. He's not sick he probs just went back to sleep" Chris said but I was getting slightly concerned.

"Should we check on him?" I asked Chris,he looked at me "tbh I'm getting concerned to" he said as we both got off the couch and knocked on nicks door.

No anwser.

We let ourselves in but he wasn't on his bed. That was until we heard the words.

"They don't care"

"Attention Seeker"



Being repeated in the bathroom. Followed by throwing up echoing the room. Me and Chris tried to open the door but it was locked. "Nick? Are you alright?" I asked all we heard was laughing and then words being repeated over and over.

Me and Chris looked at each other as we used our body weight to push the door open but nothing was working. We heard Nick throwing up again and this time it fell silent.

"Sweetheart? Could you unlock the door?" I asked calmly. We heard a click and Nick was on the floor covered in puke with...blood in the toilet.

"Sorry...I'm sorry I-I didn't mean t-to" he said throwing up again. Nick looked pale and had massive eye bags under his eyes. "Nick...? What happened?" I asked "you guys don't care..." he said laughing.

"No no Nick we do" Chris said reassuring Nick "noooo im just being an attention seeker" he said covered in puke and some blood running down his mouth.

Me and Chris looked at each other and realised how bad this was. "No Nick were sorry we didn't mean to ignore you okay? What you need is rest okay?" I said rubbing his arm. "And to eat" Chris added.

Nick slumped to the floor and just looked so burnt out and tired. Chris got Nick a change of clothes and he changed. I carried him to his bed "do you guys actually care?" He asked covering his face with the blanket. "Of course we do." Chris said flushing the toilet.

Nicks POV

"Nick we'll be back we're gonna get you some food and medication ok?" Matt said leaving. I didn't believe they cared.

I pulled out my laptop and started editing chewing on the strings of my hoodie as I did. I didn't even notice Matt and Chris standing there,that was only until my laptop got snatched out my hand.

"Nick you need to rest okay? Forget YouTube at the moment fuck it" Matt said handing me some soup and water. I just stared at It the soup was screaming words at me.

I put it on the side of my table and ran to the bathroom as I threw up. Matt followed me and rubbed my back "it's alright buddy your okay" he said.

I collapsed in his arms I felt like a total failure. Matt carried me back to back and he handed me the soup back "I don't wanna eat..." I said "Nick you have to sweetheart..." Matt said.

Chris just rubbed my back as I ate but I didn't think I could keep it down. "You got this buddy okay?" Matt said I kept it down but laid down straight after.

"You Just sleep now hun okay? Chris c'mon" Matt said as they left. I fell asleep and that was me until the morning.

It was 10:30am and Matt came into my room "how do you feel sweetie?" He asked "a lot better thank you" I said hugging Matt. Then Chris came in.

We all hugged "I love you both..." I said "we love you to"they said.

Nick angst Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now