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Luffy and Zoro were stood at the front with Nami, Usopp, Sanji and Mion stood behind taking their stances, While Mion was incredibly anxious for her familys safety, she would fight for it if it came to it and Rius could tell by how hard she tried to keep him and the rest of the household in the back. Rius of course wouldn't let her without trying to switch their places atleast once, but he coudl tell how determined she was.

Lurking from behind Zoro's broad back, Mon could make out another man stepping forward to stand with the head of the marines, this one seeming more cut out for his job with his stone cold demeanor and his head held high. Mion was now sure that they wouldn't be able to get out of there without a fight.

"So... these are the straw hat pirates", the front man spoke in a tone that seemed almost mocking and a few gasps were heard in the background.

The man was glancing at every single one of the members until he halted at the sight of Mion with a raised brow, seemingly confirming his own thoughts by taking a look at the man stood behind her.

"Huh. Rius Otis, my old friend. I'm sure you weren't aware of who you've invited into your home. Let's just make this quick, we wouldn't want to intrude", Mion's expression faltered at the sound of the man's words and she turned around to look at her father slowly, his expression only hardening as he was grinding his teeth.

"I fear you did so by killing one of my butlers and interfering with my daughter's birthday celebrations, Garp.", Rius Otis spoke as he stepped away from the crew and taking a stand by his own.

In Mion's eyes, her father had always been the bravest man she knew and this was no exception, but she couldn't help the overwhelming fear she felt for him as she watched a few marines grab their weapons, alerted by the sudden movement.

"Oh Rius, I must apologize but that is a small prize to pay for justice... I'm sure you understand", at the sound of those words, Rius froze and his jaw locked up as an immediate response. He didn't need to be reminded of his past,not like this and definitely not in front of his daughter.

"The celebrations shall continue as soon as you hand over the Straw Hat Pirates", the man, Garp, continued with a pointed look on his face. Mion could hear the whispers in the background, the gasps and the judging voices all at once, it seemed almost overpowering.

The only thing to have kept her grounded was the hand intertwined with hers and Sanji's thumb that brushed over the back of her hand in patterns. Mion was scared to admit that she was more afraid to loose any of the straw hats than risking her own life. She believed it wasn't a bad thing to die in place of someone you loved and she would do it without much thought.

"I fear I can't do that, Garp. You know I am a man of my word and I intend on keeping my family safe", Rius professed as he looked over to the crew, meeting the eyes of his daughter, who was now tearing up.

Mion has never felt more comforted and terrified at the same time, knowing that her father would risk not only himself but the repuation he worked for so hard to keep his daughter happy. Somewhere between suit shopping with pirates and breakfast talks about their childhoods, Rius Otis has realised one thing — that you can't change your upbringing and that you live with what you have.

He worked hard and has ruled in the chance of emotional baggage to carry for the rest of his life to be able to give Mion the world and if she deemed that the crew deserved it too, he would make it his mission to ensure that they do.

"It doesn't have to be this way, Otis. Just hand them over, what are some lowlife pirates to you?", the man continued and it only fueled Rius's enraged state, but for the sake of his daughter he wouldn't let anybody see through his demeanor.

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