𝟎𝟏𝟒. 𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐧

Start from the beginning

While Addy warms the girls up, Tristan speaks first, "Luciana." He hums, and I turn to face him. "Sounds angelic."

     I've never been a fan of my name, always finding it odd that my dad didn't just name me Lucy. Surprisingly, I don't hate my name so much when he says it. And nobody had ever described my name as "angelic," and I quite like it.

     However, I still insist that he call me Lucy.

     He looks towards me, his eyes finding mine, and it seems like he's really looking at me, and I squirm in my seat under his gaze. I hear him hum again, and I suck in a breath while I rub my palms down my legs. "Blue eyes," he mutters.

     "I see you're not blind," I quip.

     "A blue-eyed angel," he whispers, and I squint at him, confused as to what he could mean. I know he's talking to me but nobody had ever described me in such a way. It was terrifying, but the redness of my cheeks said otherwise. "I've never seen you around to say that you're Addy's best friend in the entire world."

     "Oh, I'm not here much," I say, turning back to look out to see the girls lining up on the stage. "Addy wanted me to come today to meet your sister. I think she's her favourite."

     Tristan chuckles, and it's a beautiful sound. "Well, Addy is Lisa's favourite teacher even if she's only here once a week."

I watch to see Lisa leap across the stage, her feet landing perfectly in place, and I watch Addy clap her hands. "She's cute," I say.

     I look towards Tristan, his brown eyes finding my blue ones, and I smile towards him. "She's been dancing since she was a kid," Tristan says, his eyes moving from mine back down to his sister who spins with one of the other girls. "She loves it, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I love watching her dance."

     I find it sweet that he clearly loves his sister. It's comforting to know that there's guys out there who seek joy in simply watching their little sister dance. This guy is the definition of perfect, and I've only known him for two seconds.

     "Are you a dancer?" Tristan asks, catching me off guard, and I nearly burst into laughter at the insinuation that I'm a dancer. Me.

     I shake my head. "No. No, I can barely stand on two feet," I tell him, and he chuckles. "I'm the best friend who cheers from the sidelines. I'm a balletomane," I quip, and Tristan looks at me like I'm insane.

"What in the world is that?"

"Balletomane is a person who is a fan or enthusiast of ballet," I inform, and he nods, actually listening to me spew my word of the day. "I'm a balletomane because I'm a fan of ballet. And Addy."

     "Well, Addy is a great dancer." I know she is. Addy is an extraordinary dancer, and I know that she'll impress those dance teachers at Juilliard, and she'll be on every stage in the world before she's thirty. "How long have you two known each other?"

     "Uh, eleven years. We met when we were five, and Addy convinced me to take dance lessons but I sucked ass, and I quit when I was twelve." Addy had been disappointed when I quit four years ago but she understood. She knew I was a crap dancer, and I couldn't compare to her.

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