Gandalf The Grey

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A smoke ring floats in the morning sky. It wavers gently in the wind. Suddenly, it collapses with a pop and transforms into a smoke moth.
The moth flutters into the face of a curly-haired hobbit Bilbo Baggins. The puff of smoke wakes him from his reverie. He notices a grey figure standing in front of him. The wizard Gandalf The Grey stands before Bilbo's fence, watching.

'Good morning.' Bilbo says. 'What do you mean? Gandalf asks 'Do you mean to wish me a good morning, or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or, perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning, or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on?'

'All of them at once, I suppose?
Gandalf gives Bilbo a disapproving look. Bilbo looks simply bewildered.

'I'm sorry, can I help you?' Bilbo asks 'That remains to be seen. I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure.' Gandalf says.
Bilbo's pipe drops from his mouth 'An adventure? Now I don't imagine anyone west of Bree would have much disturbing, uncomfortable things. Make you late for dinner!'

Bilbo gets up and checks his mailbox. He grabs some letters and envelopes and sorts through them, nervously smoking his pipe. After sparing Gandalf a brief glance, he turns to leave.
'Good Morning.' 

'To think that I have lived to be good-morninged by Belladonna Took's son as if I were selling buttons at the door.'
Bilbo whips around, startled at the mention of his mother.

'Beg your pardon?'
'You've changed, and not entirely for the better Bilbo Baggins.' 'I'm sorry, do I know you?'

'Well you know my name, although you don't remember I belong to it. I'm Gandalf and Gandalf means me!'
A look of recognition flashes across Bilbo's face. His lips curl into a smile.

'Not Gadalf, the wandering wizard, who made such excellent fireworks! Old Took used to have them on Mid-Summer's Eve! I had no idea that you were still in business.'
Gandalf gives Bilbo a scathing look.

'And where else should I be?' 'Well...'
Bilbo's voice awkwardly trails off. Sheepish, Bilbo takes another whiff of his pipe.

'Well, I'm pleased to find you remember me, even if it's only my fireworks. Well then, that's decided. It will be very good for you and most amusing for me. I shall inform the others.'

Bilbo grows pale with shock. He retreats further towards Bag End.

'Inform the who? What? No, no, no! We do not want any adventures here, thank you! Not today! I suggest you try somewhere over the hill or across the water ! Good morning!'

In frustration, Bilbo storms into his house. Bilbo bolts the door shut behind him. Relieved, he leans on it, catching his breath.
Suddenly, he hears a mysterious scrapping noise on his door. Bilbo listens closely, wondering.

The noise is Gandalf, drawing a glowing rune onto Bilbo's door with the edge of his staff.
Alarmed, Bilbo rushes to his window. He peers outside and sees nothing but blue sky.

Suddenly, Gandalf's eye is staring back at him through the glass. Bilbo jumps back in fright, hiding out of sight.

Gandalf lingers outside the window, before turning and leaving. Bilbo reenters the hallway and looks out of the window. He sees Gandalf hurrying away from Bag End.

Bilbo scurries toward the marketplace, a crazed look in his eyes.
Numerous tents and pavilions are set up around the market. Under their roofs, food, drink, and other items are sold.
Dozens of hobbits waltz around the site, chattering amongst themselves. The women laugh, the men drink and the children play.

A fisherhobbit hands Bilbo his packaged goods.
'Thank you.' Bilbo says.

Bilbo hurries away from the marketplace, eager to return home. Just to be sure, Bilbo peers over his shoulder. Nothing is there.

He looks back to the road before him, finding an elderly hobbit, Master Worrywort, wheeling a cart towards him. Worrywort pauses when he sees Bilbo.

'Hello, Mister Bilbo! Here!' Worrywort holds up a large, round plant in front of Bilbo. 'Have a feel of me tubers. Nice and firm they are. Just came in from West Farthing!'

Bilbo gives the plant a brief touch. 'Very impressive, Master Worrywort. Now, I don't suppose you've seen a wizard lurking about these parts?'

'Tall fellow, long grey beard, pointy hat. Can't say I have.'

As Worrywort speaks, Bilbo spots the tip of a grey hat moving behind a tent.
He sprints away from the marketplace, leaving Worrywort behind. Bilbo hides himself next to a stone bridge, watching as the hat makes its way past the tent.

The hat rounds a corner. It was only a basket of grey wool. Bilbo steps out from the bridge, dazed.

The sun creeps beneath the trees. One single, drunk hobbit stumbles past Bag End, carrying a flagon of wine in his hand.

Bilbo is in the kitchen. Two fish sizzle on a frying pan.
Bilbo loads them onto his plate, dressed in his night-time robes. He settles down at the table, tucks a napkin into his collar and begins to season his meal.

The rune on the door glimmers in the night. The shadow of a dwarf spreads over the door.


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