S1-E2: The Creeping Creatures

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"Check it out! "100% pure gator. Made in Gatorsburg."" Scooby: "Gatorsburg?" Daphne: "But that's impossible. Gatorsburg hasn't manufactured gator products in decades." Velma: "Not since the gator mines dried up." Nakala: "Gator mines? Mind explaining?" "Gatorsburg was founded back in the 1800s when a group of prospectors searching for gold discovered something much more valuable: Alligator. Gatorsburg has more alligators than anywhere in the world. Overnight, Gatorsburg became a boomtown. The town became famous for its gator skin products. Then the gator  wells ran dry. Gatorsburg became a ghost town." Shaggy: "But, like, Freddy, it says it was made in Gatorsburg." Scooby: [sniffs the purse] Ooh. Smells new." Nakala: "*Hm. New it is, but is it real?*" Fred: "Gang, we have a mystery on our hands." Velma: "Oh, sweet Christmas, finally!" They gang head to the door to check out Gatorsburg. Nakala didn't follow them yet 'cause he wanted to test his suspicions. When Fred was telling them they have a new mystery to solve, Nakala took off his left glove. Holding the handle with his right hand, he gripped the purse itself with his left hand, which burned. He let go and saw the rash on his palm. Nakala: "Fake." Nakala then heard the trap go off followed by screams of surprise by his friends. He rolled his eyes before putting his glove back on and freeing his friends.

After some time, the gang made it to Gatorsburg and got out of the Mystery Machine, ready to solve this mystery. Velma: "This is whay happens when a civilization is founded on an entirely gator-based economy." Fred: "Alright, gang, let's split up and look for clues." "What do you say, Shaggy? [flirting] Wanna go clue hunting with me?" Shaggy: "[quietly] Velma! Huh! Come on, not in front of Scoob!" Nakala notices this and feels like he should stay with them to see more of their relationship. He just knows that Velma would need someone to talk to about this. Scoob sniffs a statues of a small person in a gator's mouth, then the mouth suddenly slams shut, startling Scoob. Scooby: "Huh?! I didn't touch it!" Shaggy: "Like, dude, how about we check out Gator Burger?" "[slurps] Sounds delicious." Nakala: "If there is food there, it'll be old and moldy." Velma: "Trust me, they don't care." Shag and Scoob opened the door to Gator Burger and spotted some wrapped up burgers. Shaggy: "[gasps] Like, jackpot, Scooby-Doo, huhu." Scooby: "Reah!" When Shaggy unwrapped the burger, they all saw that the burger meat was a baby gator. Nakala: "No wonder the gator wells ran dry."

Scooby and Shaggy look at each in confusion on the gator and shrugged before chowing away. Nakala simply looks away in disgust while Velma walks up to Shaggy and taps him on the shoulder. Velma: "We need to talk!" Shaggy: "Velma, like, I would love to but, like, I can't hear anything over the sound of my own stomach." he says, as he lifts up his shirt and messes with his stomach like it was talking. "It's going, "Like, maybe give me a triple with cheese and chilli and, like, a pickle."" "You know what? Forget it." she said, walking out the building, which made Shaggy feel bad that a tension has happened between them. "Velma, wait up! Like, Velma, what did I do?" "Nothing! You didn't do anything." Velma storms off as Nakala simply shakes head while facepalming. "So me not doing anything is the thing that you're mad about? Like, why do girls have to be so confusing." Nakala: "She's not the problem. You are." he said walking by him, leaving him more confused.

Fred: "Let's go, gang, there's nothing to trap here! Looks like Mr. E sent us on a wild goose chase." Shaggy: "Ah, yeah, more like a wild gator chase! Ha ha!" Fred noticed Nakala stopped and started looking everywhere, carefully. Fred: "Nakala, what's wrong?" Nakala said nothing as he finally snaps his head toward the Mystery Machine's hood, just staring at it. Nakala always had this knack for sometimes sensing that something was wrong. Not all the time, but sometimes knowing where the "wrong" was. He gives Fred a signal, basically telling him to start the engine while he goes to the hood. Fred looks at the rest of the gang and shrugs before turning the key, only to find out the engine wasn't starting. Fred: "Hmm. That's weird." Nakala opened the hood and his suspicious feelings were proven true. Nakala: "Well, that's just grand."  Daphne: "What's the problem, Nakala?" "You see that hole there? That should be an engine." The sound of another engine was heard as the gang turns around to see what it is, only to be blinded by its headlights. The headlights turned off and a muscular man with long, white, back hair and beard stepped out. Grady Gator: "You kids are in some serious trouble." Shaggy: "Hoo, gulp."

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