Chapter Three

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Hazel would have been left to deal with the aftermath of the accident once she had gotten out of the subway car, she realised just how true his words were. The car was disconnected, derailed and slightly wedged between two of the multi-track tunnel's middle support pillars. Glancing at the ground Hazel walked over to some giant gashes caused from the car coming off the tracks. Crouching down to touch them, she discovered they were glistening from frost residue, from his magic. Hazel was thinking when she raised her head to look at the tunnel exit, caved in on their track side.

Bonsey walked over to Hazel after talking to some of the first responders, "I've dealt with the first responders, our boys are going to take over from here." He said while watching her, "They're asking a lot of questions about what happened, and so are the other passengers."

"My best guess is someone sabotaged the track change controls causing the train to lose a car when it hit the change over section over there." She gestured as she got up, running a hand through her hair, "So where's the rest of the subway train?" She asked while glancing at him, her voice wavered with worry. Please let everyone else be okay, she thought.

Bonsey had glanced where she gestured then glanced at the gashes, "Fate was on your side with that one, it made it through the exit just before the cave in." He said, watching Hazel's shoulders slump with relief. "When the first responders arrived, they thought this car was buried under the rubble." He explained, "That is until one of our new recruits who got in the car ahead of yours at the same stop as yours mentioned something." He started but paused.

Hazel glanced at him curiously, "One of our recruits lives near me?" She asked and he nodded, "So what did they say?" She questioned as she noticed a young man staring at them, which she didn't like.

Bonsey glanced where she was looking, "That's him, the recruit, and he said he saw this stunning woman get in the last car." He started, watching Hazel fold her arms over her chest while looking amused. "Said had he followed and got in the same car, he'd probably be dead too but he was helping a little old lady and he wasn't going to abandon his damsel in distress." He continued, "So I had to ask what the woman looked like to make him waver and he told me."

Hazel smirked, "Oh do go on, Bonsey, it's just getting interesting." She said while having a feeling it was her the recruit saw and got distracted by. Oh I bet I have another admirer to deal with, she laughed in her head.

"He said she was about five-five, shimmering copper hair down to her waist and eyes like liquid gold." Bonsey chuckled, his old body rattling a little. "Sound familiar?" He watched her nod, "So since the description matched you so well, I called that friend of yours.. Uh Syka I think, anyways and asked about the thread thing you mentioned if we ever misplaced you and well she looked and said you were about four, maybe five hundred feet west from where I was standing."

He'd paused, thought about it then shook his head. "No clue how she knew where I was standing but we checked with the rails and in roughly the area which your friend said you were, there were error reports and so..." Bonsey made the universal 'there you have it' gesture.

Hazel stifled a giggle, "And so here you all are, investigating the errors and found us, sitting here chilling while wondering what the fuck happened." She said while thinking, Thank you Syka and the threads for Bonsey remembering the lost and found 8th rule. "I'm so glad I drilled that into that thick skull of yours, I really am Bonsey." She teased him lightly.

He laughed whole heartily, "So am I Hazel, so am I. This time, it's me finding you, not the other way round." Bonsey smiled, "I owe you far too much to lose you now."

Hazel smiled gently at him as she placed her hand on his shoulder, "You owe me nothing, never have and never will you brat." She teased him, treating him like the kid he was, before turning her attention to the brat staring at them. "Now to deal with the other brat." She said while signalling for the recruit to come over to them.

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