⬛️ Tell me darling, how sharp is my knife? // Lee Know x Han x reader 🔪 18+! P1

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"..."Well three, I mean..." Lee's voice sounds mischievous as the same mean grin as before appears on his face. "Us four" Right after Lee says those words, your eyes catch the shiny object in his hands. A knife..."

This part isn't 18+ yet, but the following parts will be 18+

Warning! This story contains: Knifes, kidnapping, tying up, threatening, blood
(About only this part of the story-> Smut: 6/10. Fluff: 2/10. Romance: 6/10. Rough: 7/10
Character: Dominant, mean, tsundre Lee Know. Mesmerising, manipulating Han, Shy, nerdy and sweet "you"
Genre: Thriller -> love triangle
Word count: 3223
Appearance of the person: Lee Know (top)

 Mesmerising, manipulating Han, Shy, nerdy and sweet "you"Genre: Thriller -> love triangle Word count: 3223Appearance of the person: Lee Know (top)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Appearance of the person: Han (bottom)

Appearance of the person: Han (bottom)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Y/N's POV throughout the whole story

Finally, the day is over. You drop yourself on the leather sofa, tired AF and feeling light headed. It has been a long time ago since your period has been this bad. A sigh leaves your mouth as you stare up at the dark wooden roof. Light up with a soft yellow, orange light produced by some candles. The ship's cabin you and Han stay in is not big, but it is cosy. When you got kidnapped and taken off as a slave on this ship, Han literally saved your life. He was the one who managed to convince Captain Bang Chan that you could work as his scribe. Because writing was definitely not a problem for you. And so it happened. While Han was the one who managed to entertain the captain with his magic tricks, you wrote down all that happened. Even though you are certainly not treated well here, at least there is someone who always looks after you. And that "someone" is just now entering the ship's cabin.

"Hey Hannnie...?" You stop halfway through your sentence because of shock. Han comes walking through the door opening with his face as white as snow. Well walked, more like ran and prowled at the same time. You watch as Han gently closes the door and makes eye contact with you while he remains stick stiff. The look in his eyes makes you even more scared than you already were. He looks traumatised and tears are visible in his eyes. "They...they..." Stuttering, Han makes an attempt to whisper something. But you can't understand him through the screams that can suddenly be heard on the deck. What's happening? Worried and panicked, you jump up from the leather couch and within two steps you are in front of Han. Without thinking, you wrap your arms around the man. He is about the same size as you and immediately hugs you back. For a moment it feels good, and you forget the possible emergency you are now in. But then Han's words "they're here" sound. For a moment you think, "who?" You ask in surprise. "The pi...pirates" the man whines out. Your mouth falls open as soon as it dawns on you.

Stray kids Smut/ Fluff/ Roman one shots<3Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat