Chapter 1

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"Hurry up, Shag! We're ready!" I yelled. I was wearing a fairly fitting pink silk dress, short in the back. Violent J was wearing a white jacket with pockets and jeans, and Shaggy was wearing a black and red jersey with jeans. We had decided earlier to go to a club. It was not my first time, and neither for them. J would always brag about banging all the chicks he took home from the bar.
"Sorry guys," Shaggy rushes down the stairs, trying to stuff something in his pocket, "I had to, uh.. grab something." Something seems off about him, but I can't put my finger on it.
"Whatever, Shag! We gotta go!" Violent J runs out and starts the car. As it's warming up, I look over at Shaggy, who's already on the other side of the high counter.
It had always been tradition with the Juggalos to arm wrestle for the front seat, next to Violent J. I grabbed his hand and placed my elbow down.
"Three.. Two.. ONE!" Shaggy puts up a good fight, but I ultimately defeat him. He rips his hand away, and daps me up.
"Great job, kid. You been working out?" He cocks his shoulder back to stretch it.
"Yeah, I've been going once I get off work." I replied.
"You guys just gonna flirt or get in this fuckin' car?!" Violent J yells. He left the car and appeared at the door. I looked at him and nodded.
"We were arm wrestling for the front seat. Guess who won?" I flexed my muscles.
"Nice, kid! Shag's never gonna hear the end of this." Violent J playfully punches Shaggy's arm, then walks to the car. The radio is blasting some rap crap. They drive and swerve all around town, singing loudly. I just put on my headphones and lay my head on the window. Violent J doesn't seem to notice, until we get to the club. Before he gets out, he smiles and winks, then jumps out with Shaggy and I.
The club is full of dirty whores and guys who look genuinely uncomfortable. Girls like me, but more slutty and wearing even shorter dresses. I ordered a strawberry martini and stood with my back to the counter, clutching my drink. Looking around, I see all the people standing around dancing to club music. No one really recognizes J and Shaggy, even with their makeup on.
Violent J stuck by my side the whole time, while Shaggy picked up a couple girls. I danced for a little bit with him, then went to get another drink. I think he noticed me tugging on the back of my dress. I noticed him peek at my back.
"Don't worry hun, your ass isn't hanging out. Unlike that girl, sheeesh." He motions at the girl wearing an even tighter blue velvet dress and black heels, grinding on all of the guys. She's clearly wasted as fuck, and her friends won't help her. Eventually she comes up to Violent J and I.
"Hey, you're kinda cute..." She speaks slurring her words. "Wanna, uhh.. get out of here?" Violent J frowns at her and grabs my hand.
"Sorry man, but my girl's right here. And I would never cheat on her!" My face turns red as a tomato, as the girl looks at us weirdly and walks away. I stare at Violent J, who's stifling the loudest laughter ever. I don't let go of his hand, which surprisingly isn't sweaty. He let go of my hand after a little awkward silence.
"Uh.." He looks at his phone. "Good god, it's 11:43 already. Let's go get Shaggy.. But before we do..." Violent J smirked at me, then shook his head. "Never mind."
Shaggy is at the door of the club already, holding a girl in each arm.
"Come on, Stretch Nuts. You're not takin' em home." Shaggy surprisingly kisses both of their cheeks and drops them off at the dance floor. He stumbles into the back seat, laying down and falling asleep. Violent J looks at me and tries to piece words together, but he doesn't, and he stays quiet the whole ride home, keeping no hands placed on my thigh. I always wondered if he ever thought of us being in a relationship.
Violent J pulled up at my apartment complex, quietly running the truck.
"I'll see you tomorrow, cutie." He gets out of the car and follows me into my apartment. Shaggy is still asleep in the backseat.

We walk up the stairs to the hallway, and we stop once we're outside of my door.
"Goodnight, Y/N." Violent J pulls me in for a hug, and I could've sworn I felt him kiss my forehead. I didn't confront it, I just walked into my apartment and fell asleep.

‼️Violent J x Reader ❤️‍🩹Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat