gringots and training starts

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Harry says while lightly smiling at Ereshkigal and Izanami "but first let me buy a outfit from the system."

Ereshkigal says while calmly looking at Harry wondering what anime characters clothes he is going to choose because in the year of them talking in his mindscape they had turned him into a anime fan "ok buy it and put it on so we can go get your inheritance checked at gringots."

Harry then go to the shop then he goes to one piece cause he wanted to buy a outfit I seen while looking over it is called zoro outfit pack so he buys it and he puts on the clothes Zoro wore after Doflamingos Defeat in Dressrosa

"I like it it is comfortable and strong I have 865,000 and it is cheap considering it is indestructible and it grows with me." He says while he has liu kangs headband on as a addition.

Izanami says while looking at his clothes surprised he chose a ordinary suit other than something flashy "let's go we have all day but let's not take all day I want to start Harry's training."

Harry then calls out durandal cause Djinn are living being and Baal is connected to it and Furfur can see through the headband cause of the skill.

They then grab his shoulders and teleports us to the front of gringots. Then they walks to the goblin assistants at the main desk and he asks who we are here for today.

Ereshkigal says " well Rannok we are here for Harry Potter we are his caretakers and we want him to understand who he is so we are going to start training him after the identity, inheritance, and ability test."

Rannok says "ok we need a drop of blood to check his identity to make sure he is the real heir potter."

"ok here you go." Says Harry while he  open his mouth and bite the tip of his  finger hard enough to bleed and put it over the bowl and the blood in the bowl spelled out Harry Potter.

Rannok says "Ok you are the real heir potter and you are actually respectful. Then there is the fact your affinity to magic is so strong it moved the blood it usually just glows if you are the real person and evaporates if not.

Now I will go call your vault accountant his name is slingblade and he has been the potter accountant since your grandfather Charlus potter . Oh and I hope you can use your families blood magic which is Conceptuality Magic, Relativity Magic, Causality Magic, And Phantasm Magic."

  Another goblin shows up and introduced him self as slingblade.

Harry says while looking at the potter family Vault accountant "hello nice to meet you.

" well nice to meet you to let's go to the potter vault and see if you can claim any other houses and be careful someone tried to Rob the potter vaults and we still checking if he put any curses on the vaults." Says Slingblade while looking angry at the wizard that thought he could rob one of gringots most important customers and friends Vault

Harry says to him while feeling mad that someone tried to take what wasn't theirs  "let's go check sir."

" No need to say sir potter are one of the few family's to be called a friend of goblins call me SlingBlade." Said SlingBlade

Harry says while smiling "ok I will call you slingblade."

Then they got to the ride to the vault it was quite till the vault.

SlingBlade says while waiting for the King of Goblins "we gone have to wait for king ragruk he always here when friends of goblins appear."

Harry says while walking to a walk and sitting down " Ok I will go meditate wake me up when he get here Izanami."

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