Chapter Thirty Nine - The Final

Depuis le début

Harry was trying desperately to find the snitch. He was up against Seamus who, not to be mean, had not much of a clue what he was doing. He kept zooming off in the complete wrong direction. But that didn't mean that Harry was having much luck either. He wasn't having any. Every time he caught a glimpse of the snitch, by the time he had made his way over there it would dip out of sight again. He slammed his fist into the broom shaft, cursing.

"You kiss your mother-in-law with that mouth?" Draco called out smirking.
Harry sighed. "I'm too old for this shit. I can't catch the damn snitch!" He moved closer to Draco as a time out was called as Seamus almost fell off his broom.
Draco shook his head. "You are the fucking best seeker on the field....besides me of course," he winked. "Just relax and focus. It's about having fun."
"Yeah stop putting pressure on yourself," Blaise said catching the tail end of the conversation.
"No one really cares whether we win or lose Harry," Ginny assured him. "Just enjoy the game."

He took a deep breath as Madame Hooch blew her whistle and once again Ginny soared off having caught the quaffle. Harry rubbed sweat from his forehead. He never remembered the game being this draining before. But then again he was 29 years old not 19 years old anymore. Of course it wouldn't be as... As he was thinking he glanced down the stands towards the bottom of the pitch. There above Deans left ear was the unmistakable twinkle of sunlight hitting gold. Hitting the snitch. He took off zooming past players determined not to fail.

Ron was determined too. He dodged what was probably the 7th bludger in the game and looked towards the stands. Madame Hooch and Professor McGonagall were distracted and he knew now was his chance. Now was the only chance he might get. Shaking, he pulled his wand out of his boot hiding most of it up his sleeve but gripping tonight with one hand, the other holding onto the broom keeping him balanced and in mid air. "Commotion" he whispered followed by "ardeat iuniperorum" pointing his wand at Malfoy and keeping his eyes on him to watch what happened.

Draco was watching Harry tear down the pitch looking like he was on a mission and he knew the game wouldn't last much longer. He had both his hands on the broom, not paying attention to the red head now balancing in the middle of the field out on his own away from the other players.

It was the strangest thing. One minute Draco's broom was perfectly fine and the next it began to shake violently underneath him. Not only was he struggling to hold onto the broom as it shook like a centaur being rode, but he could feel the wood heat up underneath him.

Draco tried his hardest to hold on as people in the hands began to notice the commotion. Everyone was looking at the blonde in shock wondering what on earth was going on. It looked like he was doing some sort of dance, he was letting go of the broom by one hand before swapping it out for the other, shouting as he did.

"What the fuck?" He called as he took his hand off the broom which was now very hot under him. He could smell the burning and see the red line of the fire run its way down the shaft leaving grey ash clumped together in its wake. "Blaise!" He called down the pitch. Most of his team were at the other end watching Harry.

Harry had no clue what was happening to Draco as he zoomed towards Dean doing a side tackle, coming to stop inches from poor Dean who looked horrified. He thought Harry was going to hit him as his arm reached out. But he was surprised when Harry's arm flew past the side of his head to behind him. Harry was smirking as he pulled his hand back, the golden snitch held firmly in his grasp.

They didn't hear Draco shout as they celebrated at the far end, and Draco wasn't sure what he was going to do. He could feel the wood weaken under him and as he moved his hand one last time, he missed. Hermione screamed. He plunged forward into the open air using one hand to hold onto the branches at the tail of his broom which had not yet burned. But he didn't have a good enough grip.

He was dangling in the air now as the others turned to see his dilemma. All Draco's teammates and the others took off flying in his direction, Dean and Seamus too. The teachers were on their feet as were almost everyone in the stands. Ron had flown safely to the ground to watch his arch nemesis fall to what he hoped wouldn't be his death but a very nasty accident.

Hermione's heart had stopped beating. She was frozen in fear. From the moment Draco's broom started shaking to him now dangling off the edge was mere seconds and yet time felt like was going by painfully slowly. She wasn't sure what to do exactly. Hundreds of spells and charms sprung to her mind as she tried to come up with an idea. "Of course!" She gasped as an idea came to her and she jumped up onto the bench and then forward onto the railing of the stands. "obrigescere clous" she shouted and pointed her wand at, well nothing. Then she jumped.

Daphne screamed and Leo reached out to try and grab her but they both gasped as Hermione seemed to step onto the air as if it were solid. Hermione took off running towards Draco just as he could feel his hands begin to burn. He sucked in a breath as he looked down at the 300ft drop beneath him. He knew this was Weasley's doing. He was going to fucking die because the Weasel didn't like to lose. He would never see Sienna again. He would never see Hermione again.

Hermione could see the others out of the corner of her eye, zoom off in their direction but they would never make it. She wasn't sure if she would make it. She could see Draco's fingers slipping from the branches.

Crack!! Snap!!

The branches broke under the heat and pressure and Draco's heart gave a jolt as he began to fall. He couldn't be are to look to Hermione in the stands as he was sure she would look terrified and he didn't want to see her like that knowing he was the cause. He closed his eyes as he felt air moved up through his robes and through his hair. This was it.

'Not fucking today!' Hermione thought to herself as she ran as fast as she could towards the love of her life, who was still above her falling through the air. She raised her wand again and cast the same spell as before, right in front of her and right under Draco who landed with a very loud thump just as Hermione made it to him. He let out a groan as her arms went around him, holding him to her.

"I got you," she said breathlessly as she held him tightly. "It's ok Draco. I've got you."
She knew they must have looked bloody freaky, both clearly sitting but not on anything but air.

Time After Time.   *Complete*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant