*Abusive BoyFriend*

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Nicks POV

"MATTT CHRISSSSS" I shouted running downstairs as they both swung their head around at me. Matt who was cooking dinner for tonight and Chris who was chugging a Pepsi.

"Yes Nick?" Matt said "You guys have met Max before and he wanted to come round tonight if that's okay?" I asked. Matt smiled "yeah sure! I've cooked enough for everyone anyways I though you might want him to come".

"Alright" Chris said putting his Pepsi in the bin going on his phone. "THANK YOUUU" I said running back up to my room. I texted him saying he could come round and he just said k.

I smiled at the text because at least I'm not being left on read. I was in shorts and a t-shirt. I wasn't gonna change I looked fine.

He texted me saying he's here so I ran downstairs and opened the door. I hugged him but he pushed me off of him "don't fucking do that" he said. "Sorry" I Said moving away. I closed the door behind him and Chris shot me a look.

"It's fine" I mouthed to him but his face showed he was to sure. "Ayyy Chris and mattt" Max said as he dapped them both up. "Oh also Nick change that outfit makes you look disgusting" Max said. I walked upstairs and changed.

Chris's POV

What the fuck. Me and Matt looked at each other then at Max. "Dude what the fuck?!" I said pushing him "what? It did" Max shrugged. I was ready to punch this guys but Matt put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't fucking say that again" I said "alright jeez" max said. Max went upstairs to Nick and I was already getting weird vibes from this guy.

"Chris c'mon...I'm sure it's nothing and if we have to step in then we will okay?" Matt assured me. "Fine but I don't like him! He can't just say that to Nick and expect us. His brothers. To be cool with it. And-" Matt cut me off.

"If he says anything else we can say something okay?" Matt knew exactly what I was gonna say. I smiled at him "What did you make?" I asked Matt. "Alfredo and rice" i screamed. "YOUR THE BESTTTTTT" I shouted.

Matt laughed. "I mean me you and Nick all love it so it's something." Matt said.

Nicks POV

I was changed into a oversized hoodie and some jeans that I stole from Matt. I felt ATMs around my waist and giggled.

"You don't look so disgusting now love" max said,it did break me a little but it's okay. He let go and brought me downstairs.

"Oh you guys foods ready!" Matt said as we all sat at the table. "Nick should we I bite Larray around for another video?" Chris asked I gasped "OMG YESSSS" I said in excitement.

"Omg can you shut up?! Your so loud" max said. I stopped talking and continued eating. "Also stop eating it's going to make you look fat" he said,I stopped eating.

I pulled out my phone and went on it when it was ripped out my hand. "GOD ALL YOU FUCKING CARE ABOUT IS YOUR PHONE! YOUR BROTHERS AND ME ARE SITTING HERE" Max threw my phone across the room.

Matts POV

Me and Chris looked at each other and saw nicks eyes watering but he wiped them away. "C-can I leave...?" He asked stuttering "yeah fuck off and cry" max said.

Nick walked upstairs and we heard his door lock. I got up and walked over max. "So wanna explain. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT" I said slapping him.

He looked at me shocked. "If your gonna fucking talk to him like that IN FRONT OF US. Your fucking pathetic." I said.

Chris walked next to me and just hugged me. "Mate just shut up your acting all big when you couldn't even make it through one day of school" Max laughed.

Nick was watching from the stairs and punched him clean in the face. "DONT FUCKING TALK ABOUT THAT. WE'RE DONE. DONT EVER FUCKING TALJ TO ME CHRIS OR MATT EVER AGAIN OR YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN" Nick shouted at him.

"Damn sorry." Max said. "GET OUT NOW. BEFORE I ACTUALLY BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF" Nick was loosing it and Chris walked over to him. "Nick...breathe he's gone and he has a bloody nose okay?" Chris said.

"Matt are you okay? I'm sorry about him. Did he hurt you guys at all?" Nick started panicking looking at us. Me and Chris smiled "we're fine Nick. Are you okay? The things he said to you weren't boyfriend type of things" I asked.

"Yeah that's normal but we're done now so there's nothing to worry about" Nick said.

We all hugged and honestly I loved Nick being loud and doing stupid shit. He seemed more like himself now.

He was doing something stupid and me and Chris was laughing then looked at each other. "WAIT WHENS LARRAY COMING" Nick asked "I can text him now?" Chris suggested.

"OKAYYYYY" Nick said. I gave Nick the rest of his food and he ate it. After he finished he hugged me "thank youuuu" he said. "It's alright" I said.

"Larray said he could come round tomo-" Nick started jumping around "YESSSSSSSS" he shouted through the house. Me and Chris was laughing on the floor.

Nick angst Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now