"Who is this?"

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*frank's point of view*

I adjust the blanket over my body, a soft warmth holds me down to my bed. I check my phone, "8:55 am" I mumble, thank good it's Saturday because I would not be going into work today. I grab my tv's remote and hit play in my favorite tv show. After a few minutes I open my phone. *5 new messages* I tap on the notification add it opens to my mothers messages.
7:30 am

-Hey Frank are you coming to your dad birthday party tomorrow?
-make sure you bring a gift 🎁
8:00 a

- he said he wanted some paints for his next canvas
-don't forget!!!

I quickly double check my calendar on my phone to make sure she is right, and she is. I love my parents very much, they have been the best parents my whole life!


Yeah, I'll be there love you!-

I reply, I open my instagram and notice on of my band mates post of photo of us last night, the image of her shoots through my mind. My face fills to the brim with heat. I quickly hope out of bed and walk to my dresser. There I find the napkin unfolded and a little wrinkled. I grab the napkin gently and plop back into my bed once more. I slowly type the phone number into the keypad. I pause before I write anything, what would should I say? I simple "hi" or should I add more? After a few minutes I hit send.

-Hey it's me from the bar
last night, the one you bumped into.

I quickly set my phone down a stand up, a rush of cold wind covers me likes blanket leaving goosebumps all of my chest. I have to do something to get the worry of her response and the hangover from last night to leave my body.

*Amanda's point of view*

         I groan from the loud roar the blender makes as it does it's magic. I normally would never have any noise like that to be with in 2 miles of me when I have a hangover. Normally... But this hangover is not normal, nothing is normal when your mother bursts into your apartment at 9 in the morning. This is what I get for getting plastered last night, everyone knows, especially me that once I get a ounce of alcohol in me when I get my hands on my phone. Every. Single. Contact. Is going to receive a message. But I still can't figure out what type of message would cause my mother to rush over to my apartment and blast a loud blender as she gets me ready for some secret appointment.

Only if my phone would charge faster...

Suddenly my phone screen lights up with one new message.

Hey it's me from the bar,
The one who you numbed into.

Before I can understand what my fingers are doing I hit send...
                                                                Who is this?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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