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Make You Mine - chapter 3FUCKASS BITCH

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Make You Mine - chapter 3



lola was sat on the floor of her apartment, in her living room. she had dominic fike blasting from her tv speakers whilst she sat signing and writing messages on postcards, and folding items of clothing, putting them in their boxes ready to be shipped off.

she had just done a merch drop yesterday evening, and within 5-10 minutes everything was already sold out, so this morning she went to pick up the clothes from the warehouse before returning to her warm apartment. but now it was the afternoon, and she had spent all day signing cards over and over again, switching between watching shows and movies or listening to music. yes it was boring, but also quite therapeutic. doing the same action repeatedly was muscle memory at this point.

she was mid-song, singing along to "how much is weed", when a knock on the front door cut her off. she quickly finished the signature before turning the music down and opening the door. stood in the hall was none other than her manager, lea. the two walked back into the living room, lola taking her place back in the pile of pillows and began to write a message on the unfinished postcard, as lea started her much awaited speech.

"so. obviously as you know, your father is being let out of jail on thursday, and you, in my opinion, idiotically accepted to meet up with him. so originally you were supposed to be going to new york on that day for an event, but when you told me to clear your schedule for that day, i had to postpone it. and no i didnt tell you. but basically my point is that your going to new york on friday, so do whatever it is you and your father have to do, get it done and finished, and then get an early night because our flight is at 6am. ive arranged for your chauffeur to pick you up and take you there, where i will meet you, then we will fly out and another chauffeur will pick us up, taking us to the hotel. now we will be on a little bit of a time crunch as it will be 3:15 pm when we arrive, new york time, and the event opens at 5pm. so you have a minimum of 2 hours to get ready, it will take around 30 minutes to an hour to get there, depending in traffic, and then we should hopefully arrive there sometime around 5:30-6pm so you have some time to mingle before the actual event starts, at 7pm. any questions?"

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