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a/n; the prologue is hella boring, sorry! :p

"No, [Y/N]. We're busy."

You sighed and pouted before storming off to your room again. You hated whenever your parents said that to you. Not long after, your door opened, revealing your brother.

"C'mon, let's go riding." You looked up at your brother and immediately smiled. You got up from your pouting state and grabbed your bike to meet your brother outside the house.

He waited for you before you both went on the road to cycle together. You really enjoyed cycling with him. He was so fast and cool to you.
You both went on for hours until he decided to stop and take a break, "I think I wanna go pro on day.." Said your brother.

"What?.. But why? I thought you only enjoyed it as a hobby.."

He thought about it and smiled before looking at you. "Yeah, but I'm definitely gifted to do this."

You rolled your eyes at him as you didn't really take him seriously.. But years went by, and he was actually serious about it.

Him training to be a professional cyclist made you upset. He was now busy all the time. Leaving you to cycle alone instead.. You really did enjoy it, but you didn't want to do it professionally. You preferred street cycling.

You'd always go home and watch a ton of videos of people cycling on the roads, doing alleycats, tricks etc.. You also noticed that those videos you watched, they were mostly from Asia. Countries like, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore and.. Korea.

That made you realise how boring it is to cycle here compared to those countries. Sometimes you'd joke to your parents about how you wanted to study there, without telling them the main reason, of course.

I mean, what could go wrong? You already knew Korean.. How? You may ask? Your parents forced you to learn a different language and you couldn't be bothered to choose, so you decided to spin the wheel, which made it land on that language. You honestly regret it at first as it was HELL trying to learn it but you got better at it slowly.

Years went by and your parents definitely took the hint that you wanted to study in another country. They hesitated a lot but after a ton of convincing.. They surprisingly agreed!

You were only 14 when you moved there. They definitely did not do proper research which led you to go to a rather questionable middle school.

Your parents got you a really nice apartment all to yourself and the first few days settling into a new place was very hard for you due to the jet lag and such.

But at least they stayed with you for the first few weeks. They had no problem leaving you alone, they knew you were independent enough even at the age of 14.

Everything was going really well at school, everyone adored you and wanted to be your friend! But there was one problem.. There was this guy named Hwangyeon who kept bothering you.

Not in a bullying way but in an annoying way. He asked stupid questions like if you would ever consider dating him. It even got worse when he found out you enjoyed cycling too.

One day, you were walking out of school when he showed up again.

"C'mon, you just moved here, no? let me show you around and maybe we can go on a cute date?"

"I'm fine on my own, thanks. I don't need your help so please leave me alone." You said trying to leave but he grabbed your wrist instead.

"She told you to leave her alone." You turned to look at where that voice came from and it was the red headed kid you see around the school!

He was looking down at hwangyeon before removing his hands from my wrist.

They ended up leaving after seeing the red head defend you. He was about to leave until you called out for him.

"W-wait, what's your name?.."

"Doesn't matter." He said before walking away again, but after that incident, you kept walking around with him until he eventually got used to you. That's how you found out that his name was Yoo-Bin, or Vinny!

Vinny was a cold guy for sure, he scares you but he was also really nice once you get to know him. He honestly wasn't even that bad. You enjoyed his presence even though he was quiet most of the time.

It's been a few weeks since you moved there and your parents already flew back for work, finally leaving you alone.

You were walking back home alone at night in the streets, Walking back from middle school was definitely your least favourite thing to do, the walk back home was terrifying alone.

Damn, why did I choose to hangout of friends instead of being home earlier?.. You were definitely starting to regret your choices.

You focused on getting home without any troubles, you continued walking foward until you felt your arm being grabbed by someone into a alley. You tried to scream but the guy covered your mouth with his hands.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing walking in the streets alone at this timing?" One of them said, which made you even more scared.

"Don't be scared, I'll show you how to have fun."

You struggled to get out of his grip, you almost felt like giving up but then you heard them of them falling onto the ground one by one until you felt the grip on you losen up, you ending up falling with the guy who grabbed you.

"Didn't your mom teach you not to harrass little girls?.."

You looked up to see a guy wearing sunglasses with yellow lenses and another guy who was way taller, he had a scar going from the side of his lips to his jaw and a tatto under his eye..

"You alright?" The guy with yellow glasses crouch infront of me before inspecting my face by grabbing my chin. He saw me wearing a middle school uniform and let go of my chin

"It's late, why aren't home yet? You don't want your parents to worry do you?.. Cmon, we'll walk you home."

"Ehhh, I'm fine on my own!" You got up and brushed the dust off your uniform trying to leave, but they immediately caught up to you.

"It's not safe for you, we insist."

You reluctantly agreed and allowed them to walk you home, the thought of two strangers knowing your school and address now made you feel more.. scared but they saved you so it should be fine, right?

Along the way, they made small conversations with you. Like why did you move here? What were your favourite hobby?.. Questions like that to avoid the awkward silence until you got home.

After that incident, you slowly noticed how they would "coincidentally" bump into you and such, it got to the point where you caught them FOLLOWING YOU.

They eventually come clean and told you about how they couldn't bare the thought or someone like you getting hurt again so they did it just to look over you. It was weird, I mean, why would they care so much? You were a stranger to them.

You then slowly got to know them better, you also found how they had a 'crew' That's how you met more people, like Hyuk!

He was a cool and funny guy, but also kinds stupid and can't read the room sometimes..

𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐞, 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐇𝐢𝐦. || Sabbath crew , WindbreakerWhere stories live. Discover now