He could smell my shit lies from a mile away.

"Fine, but this doesn't go anywhere yeah? Not even to Harry." I said, dead-eyeing him.

"Yes, ofcourse you know it." Ethan said. Now everyone was listening in.

"Well, It's not that big of a deal, but Harry, he's just been so, what's the word? Clingy recently. I don't mind it, I love it. But I don't know why? Well, I think I may know why, but I'm still unsure." I said,

"Yeah, we could tell that he's clingy." Ethan said, his eyebrows furrowing.

I tilted my head at this gesture, and he coughed words up.

"Instagram post?" He said.

"Yeah? What about it." I asked him.

"It just seems like a bit too much to post?" He said.

"Oh for fucks sake, I thought you was going to support this relationship? Now you're already telling me what to do in it. I'm already stressed as it is." I said.

"So talk to me. We don't talk like we used to nowadays, you're always with Harry." He said.

"Infact, I'm never with Harry. Which is why he asked me to spend the day with him, and I said no." I said.

"Oh, so that's why you're acting the way you are. Feeling guilty are we, Y/n?" He asked me.

"Yes, extremely. I feel terrible, I mean his work schedule with you guys is so busy, we never get to see eachother properly. He'll come back, and he's just tired." I said to him.

"It's hard for us too, because I like to just get home to you guys and that, but maybe if you wanted to spend more time with Harry, you should come along when we film, right?" Vik said.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't actually be with him would I? I mean, I'd see him. But let's be real, he wouldn't be able to keep his hands to himself for a second." I said, letting out a laugh.

"Seriously, you should come. Or join in! That'd be cool, right?" Simon said.

"Yeah, that'd be sick! Honestly, but we'd have to talk to Lucy first. I'm sure she'll be fine with it! So would Kon!" Ethan said.

"Yeah, I'm not sure though. It took me enough courage just to even be in Ethan's video. Maybe, I'll think about it." I said.

They all went to their own conversations, and Harry walked in. Same clothes as always, swear he only has the same clothes, but only multiple pairs. Joggers, and a black T-Shirt this time. His hair was still messy, it was like he'd just gotten out of bed.

I was up in the kitchen, brewing coffee. He stood behind me, and his hands tackled my waist. He rested his head on my shoulder from behind. I look up at the boys beautiful face, and could feel a blush rise to my cheeks.

"I swear you wear the same clothes everyday!" I said, knowing only he could hear me. I also played hard to get, I wasn't that easy in front of everyone else. When it was just me and him, I would be all over him.

"Not true, I wear different clothes, but they are the same. I just don't enjoy dressing up, unlike you. You still look stunning as per usual by the way." He told me.

"Alright Harold, enough of groping my sister." Ethan said to him, now eyeing his hands that were still placed on my waist.

Harry let go of me, and looked at me. I felt blush rise to my cheeks once again. God what does this boy do to me. He grabbed my face lightly, and pecked me on the cheek.

"Want a coffee?" I asked him. Obviously hiding the feeling deep down, because I didn't want this boy knowing I was crazy for him.

He shook his head 'No'. I stirred the coffee and milk together, and threw the spoon in the sink. I tasted my hot coffee, and poured the boiling hot  liquid too my lips.

I put my coffee down on the table, and sat down next to Harry who was engaging in the boys conversation. Before I knew it, my Uncle Guy walked through the door, and waved his hands up. I stood up, and jumped to him to hug him. He wrapped his arms round me tightly.

"Find one?" I whispered in his ear.

"Talk later" He quickly said, as he saw Ethan rushing over to him.

"Hey, Uncle G. Where you been? Didn't know where you was." Ethan said.

"Oh, I went to greet an old friend. I did tell Y/n, but I'm guessing she didn't tell you. I dropped her a message to let you know." He said to him. Ofcourse I'd back him up.

"Shit, sorry Eth. I completely forgot to tell you!" I said.

"That's fine, he's here now." He said.

We all engaged into a conversation with separate people. Until I heard someone mention my name.

"So Harry, we're talking about letting Y/n in a few of the videos for Sidemen." Simon said.

"Oh yeah, sweet!" He said, smiling and placing his hand on my lap.

"That is if she wants to do it though, It's up to her." Vik said, reassuring me that there was no pressure.

My heart raced. The thought of being in front of millions of people, not literally. But, you get my point. I was so nervous. I wanted this, but I didn't know if I could.

"Guys, give me a second." I said, walking away. That was my excuse, I needed to calm down.

I walked off to my bedroom, and opened the door, as I heard a few footsteps trace behind me.


He walked in, as I sat on my bed and shoved my head in my face.

"What's up, babe?" He asked me, as he sat down next to me, rubbing my thigh.

"I'm just nervous about you know, the whole Sidemen thing. I'm not sure what I want." I said.

"So you're not going to come with us? You don't have to be in the video, you can simply just watch." He said.

"I'm not sure Harry, I would love to be in the video, I just think my emotions would get the best of me at times, and I may end up having a panic attack, mid recording." I told him, in denial. Telling myself, I'm pathetic and can't do this. I won't be able to, and my stupid body wouldn't let me.

"Y/n, you know that if you have a panic attack, you have your best supporters with you. I promise, there's nothing to be worried about. The minute you wanna be off camera, we'll support that. Until then, you decide what you want to do. It just means if you do this, we get to spend more time together. But, no that's not me blackmailing you into doing it, I'm just telling you that it will all be alright, darling." He told me, his voice genuinely soothed me. My heart was pumping at a better speed now, and I could breathe better now.

I sprawled out on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"How about we have that 'time together' you wanted? We can just chill up here for the rest of the day, I'm not really sure I want to go back down now." I asked him.

"I'd love to." He said, with a grin on his face.

I sat up, and Harry laid beside me. I layed down next to him finally, and he grasped me in a tight hug. I looked at his face, that I adored. I just never admitted it. Harry leant in and kissed me on the lips. I loved this moment, it was so passionate. And I would like this feeling to stay forever.

She fell first but he fell harderWhere stories live. Discover now