Chapter 15

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I woke up to cluttering and pattering downstairs in the kitchen. The spot next to me was all cold. Harry had gone.

I got out from my bed and stretched. I winced as pain stung from the cuts on my arm.

The time on my alarm clock read 8:03am. Ugh, it was so early.

I started getting dressed into some clothes that I left out last night because I knew I'd needed them.

I was wearing shorts, and a long-sleeved crop top. It was a hot decent day today.

I ran a brush through my, curly hair. I wasn't going to do much with it today, I was just going to let it do It's own thing.

I walked to my bedroom door, as I felt a warm sticky spot coming from my underwear.

I ran to the bathroom, and was glad I left tampons out. God I'm so glad I started my period.

The bed sheets were blood-stained, so I took them off and hysterically cried deep inside.

I threw them In a box, I'd wash them when we go to the new house. I knew we'd be leaving soon so I would have time to wash them today.

I walked down to the kitchen, with a bare face. I had no makeup on.

I saw Ethan scrambling around in the kitchen.

I knew I needed to tell him.

I just couldn't break his heart like that.

"Hey! Your awake early?"Ethan stood there, with his glasses on poking at something he took out the oven.

"Yeah, I am." I sighed. Ethan could read me like a book, especially with my emotions. I tried to shove them deep down but it obviously didn't work.

"Hey, are you okay?" He said, taking his oven mitts off and coming towards me.

"I'm fine, I'm just tired" I said, hoping he'd ask me no further questions.

"You sure? You can talk to me?" He said, looking concerned for me.

"Where's Harry?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, he left an hour ago to go and pack." Ethan said, now going back to what he was doing.

I sat down on the sofa, crossing my arms, getting comfortable.

"Did you pack? We're leaving soon." Ethan said, seemed focused.

"Yes, everything's packed, what's that your doing?" I asked him, now getting up from my comfortable spot on the sofa.

"Oh, you wasn't awake and I was bored, so I tried to make some brownies at 5 this morning.. Don't know if it worked tho." He said, rubbing his hand along his forehead.

"They look good, just need more setting." I said, looking at him giving a soft smile.

"Right, go get your stuff together We're going to meet the lads down at the house" Ethan said, grabbing his car keys.

"You already got all your stuff?" I asked him.

"Yes, It's all in the back of the car, need help with your boxes?" He asked, cocking his head at me.

"Yes please, there's a lot" I chuckled lightly.

Ethan nodded and followed me up to my bedroom, and we took everything out of it. I remembered to take the tampons out of the bathroom that I left out, and put it in a box.

I grabbed a few boxes, as did Ethan.

Soon, we got into the car, and I was in deep thought.

I was dreading facing Harry and JJ today. Not as much Harry, because he stayed last night.

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