Chapter I - Thou Laugh, We Flee

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TW: Cosmic Horror, Gore(?)

It was once a normal day in Inanimate Island, everyone was binding as normal. Inside Hotel OJ and out in the fields and plains.

One of those who played around, were Test Tube and Fan, who were along with the others and the new ones. Returning home as most had hoped for.

"It's good to be back home..." Said Fan, watching over everyone and the hotel. Test Tube replies, as she lets go of Bot to let them explore their world once more. "Yeah, home sweet home..." with a smile forming on her face.

Baseball and Lightbulb noticed their return, and approached the three. One forming a terrible thought, slowly forming something livid.

"Well, where have you two been?" Baseball asked sternly and seriously "In fact. Where did most of you head into?"

"Well, we don't wanna spoil the fu-" Fan said with paranoia, but Baseball cuts him off. As if he is enraged

He kicks Fan and stomps them down "Did you all had a third season, WITHOUT US?!?" Baseball yelled at Fan.

Rage, frustration, and loss of temper is all what Baseball felt to them.

"If you told us about the third season, we would have been taking a break from this! BUT YOU. DID. NOT..." Baseball stomped on Fan once more, giving them pain and body pressure

Test Tube and Lightbulb quickly took Baseball far away from Fan, as he replies "What do you mean we did not? We just thought it is going to take us to the Starfruit Concert!" with worry and fear

"Yeah! We thought we are goinf there. But instead, Boaty took mysterious turns to the Invitational Island. A season 3!" Test Tube replied Baseball, trying her and Lightbulb's hardest to push Baseball away

"Um, what is... going on?" Bot entered the scene and asked. Which suddenly changes direction of the already escalating situation

Baseball was caught in the attention of the newcomer, giving him familiarity and rememberance of one deceased contestant.

He tackles them, chased them. And ultimately puts them on the ground, still angered and his temper losing fast

"AND WHO IS THIS BOW COPYCAT DOING IN HERE?!?" Baseball pressures them with his rage

Fan out of nowhere, gets up and pushes Baseball away from Bot. Causing him to roll and scream as he falls down to the hill and lead away, his screams went from rage to absolute fear

Test Tube and Fan approached Bot, a concern washing them over their faces "Bot, you okay there?" Test Tube asked them, as Bot stands up and brushes the dirt off of them. "Yeah i am fine..." Bot replied, "...just, who is that fatty?"

"I AM NOT... FAAAAAAAAAT- ACK!" Baseball hit a tree during his roll, some fruit dropping down on him as a result. Groans and screams were heard as he got hit by the descending fruits

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