12. Realization

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"Actually Mr. Panich said that if you want you can hold the party in the Panich mansion since It's a suitable place to have hundreds of guests"

Me & hia both looked at each other, unsure of what we should say

"Or If you want I can recommend some places for you to choose from"

Ms Lia said, sensing the awkwardness

"We will sort out the guest list first & reach out to you about the place & arrangements again"

"Okay then please let me know about it soon"

She stood up to leave & wai'd at us

We stood up & wai'd back as she left


We looked through the guest list, deciding on who to invite & who to not

Apparently we did miss a few people who should be invited but since we want to keep it private with only a few people as guests, we decided to invite people who are important

"We are finally done"

I heaved a sigh of relief

The list our parents sent had almost 100 guest but the weird thing is most of them are people we have already invited

We ended up adding around 30 of them in the list making the guest list have almost 400 people

It included famous celebrities, businessmen, reporters, politicians, other important people, our friends & family

I stretched my arms as a sudden question came in my head

"Hia why do you think pa wanted us to select Panich mansion?"

I felt unsure as the person who proposed it was Mr Panich, CEO of Panich Corp who never cared enough about my fiancee his whole life

So why is he suddenly kind enough to want to hold our engagement at his house?

It feels like there is another motive behind it

"Why do you think they sent us the guest list through Lia?"

He asked back

"Because they know we will put up a fight?"

I asked as he shook his head

"Because they love to control our lives?"

"It's one of the reasons but there is a bigger reason"

He answered as realization dawned on me

"Because they want to look good at outsiders eyes?"

I asked as he nodded

"Sending the guest list through Lia because they are 'busy' would make Lia think they are great parents who tries to be included at the planning as much as they can even though they are busy"

I silently listened as he continued

"They know we will most likely reject the idea of holding the party at the mansion but still proposed it through Lia to look good in her eyes. So when she will be interviewed as the planner & will be asked about our parents contribution she will say good things about them. Which will make them look good at everyone's eyes"

He stopped for a minute as if trying to believe it's real. That they can do anything.

"Incase we actually chose to hold it in the mansion, it would also make them look like great parents. Either way It's a winning situation for them"

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