My Life Is A Lie...Mostly (Adromada Black)

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Cissy and I were sitting in a compartment on the infamous Hogwarts Express for our first time. And I was staring out the window while Cissy was talking idly about nothing in particular when a boy our age opened the door and asked "Hi can I sit here all the other one's are taken." I nodded shyly and he walked in then closed the door while saying " My name's Ted Tonks. But you can call me Teddy. I have a sister named Nixie but she is annoyingly perky." he sais the word 'perky' in a high pitched girly voice then he slid into the seat next to me whilst Cissy still hadn't stopped talking. I let out a yawn and stretched and felt the bottom of my top tug up a bit I saw Teddy giving me the once over, I blushed and quickly put my arms down. We talked about anything and everything. By the time we stopped talking my head was resting on Teddy's shoulder and his head was resting limply on my head so I decided he was asleep and I closed my eyes to fall into a few dreamless sleep. I was awoken by a violent jerk causing me fall forward and hit my head on the seat across from me "OW!" I whisper yelled

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