Depression Isn't a Joke, but My Will to Live Sure Is

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I watch Annabeth and Percy huddle together in front of a broken altar. Behind them is Bob, the titan Percy fought with Thalia and Nico. I'm guessing he's there to help, cause he's not trying to kill them while their backs are turned.

"What are you doing?" Percy asks, his clothes are ragged and he's got scratches all over his body. The sight makes my stomach churn.

"Sending a message," Annabeth answers, looking as bad as Percy. "I just hope Rachel gets it."

"Rachel?" Percy frowns. "You mean our Rachel? Oracle of Delphi Rachel?"

"That's the one," Annabeth says with a hint of amusement.

I read over her shoulder what she's written on a crumbled-up napkin:


Give this to Rachel. Not a prank. Don't be a moron.

Love, Annabeth

"Now I just need to burn it," she says. "Anybody got a match?"

The ground opens and swallows me, then I get hurled back out in the middle of a fight with the Kerkopes. Octavian is screaming curses and orders, Reyna is next to him looking just as harassed, but unlike Octavian, she's fighting. Further ahead I can see my camp.

"Your attempts are useless, daughter of Olympus."

This is the first time I hear Gaea's voice, but I recognize it immediately.

"I was wondering when you'd come," I look at the woman in a dirty veil, dressed in clothes that look like moss and roots. "Hard to fear your threats when every bad guy you've sent has been nothing but embarrassing."

The sleeping lady smiles. "You're as vain and stupid as your patrons." Gaea dissolves only to appear closer. "They chose you as their General because you rather die than let them down, but don't be mistaken, the children of Olympus always fall onto me. I'll feast on your power, and destroy everything you love."

She touches my chest with two fingers, pushing me back.

"And I'll start..." Gaea's sleeping smile grows. "With Leo Valdez."


Ara falls off the bed, scratching her forehead with the nightstand. She swears, getting up and feeling her wound. She's tired of waking up like this almost every day, but at least there is no blood, so she gets up to get dressed.

Ara doesn't bother to check the time, nowadays she can't go back to sleep even if she wakes up in the middle of the night, and she rarely feels tired anyway. Ara guesses that it might be the blessings, all that power ought to do something to a mortal body that was previously below average.

The girl walks to the mess hall, then stops, ponders, and walks past to go to the top deck. As expected, Nico is on the foremast, eyes glossy like his mind drifted away hours ago and he hasn't moved since then. 

Ara tries to whistle and then remembers she's never been able to, but a loud noise comes out effortlessly and makes her stop in shock. Nico looks at her scowling. "Did you just whistle at me like I'm a dog?"

"I didn't know I could do that," she replies in surprise.

"What do you want?"

"We need to talk," she says in her General voice. "Come to the mess hall."

Ara leaves knowing he'll follow her, she grabs two plates from the cabinets and fills them with nice-looking food, when Nico gets there she seizes him by the shoulders.

The Curse of Oenone (Daughter of Olympus II) - [Leo Valdez xF!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now