Thursday feb 15

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I wake up feeling a little better but I went to the bathroom and threw up a lot I brush my teeth and head to my room and brush my hair and I get dressed I put my shoes on and go to the car a d wait for my mom and sister they get in the car. My mom  drives us to school and I go to study hall because that's my first class on Tuesdays and Thursdays I fall asleep and my friend Jill wakes me up telling me that we have to walk down to the elementary.

  We walk down to the elementary and help some kids read. After 15 minutes we go to history and do our history work and I fell asleep. we then go to lunch I didn't eat again.  I wasn't hungry.

Now I go to math I fell asleep during math then I walk across the whole campus to do piano I don't like the piano teacher she treats me like a baby it's so annoying.

I go to art after 30 minutes of piano then I go to ballroom dancing it was boring we did cha cha and tango again.

I go home and play Minecraft after cleaning the kitchen and bathroom and my room. I go to bed and watch YouTube waiting to sleep then I fall asleep

My Days Throughout The WeekDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora