Prologue Interlude: Journey to The Southwest

Start from the beginning

"So, you cannot use that Tempest power again like last time?" Lumine asked him.

"Yeah, I can't change into that new tier again, only powering the attacks almost the same level as the original Tempest," Boboiboy explains to her, which gives Lumine and Paimon (along with the audience) confusion.

"But do you know why you couldn't access it?" Paimon wondered to him.

Boboiboy nods, "I think it has something to do with my Power Watch." His answer managed to get them (and the audience) to listen in, "As of now, this Power Watch might only handle 1st and 2nd tier elements. It's not yet upgraded to handle the power of the 3rd tier, so that might be the explanation."

"I don't get it." Sayu along with some audiences were confused as to what he meant, along with Lumine and Paimon in the future.

"I think the explanation itself will get a little clarification, Sayu," Thoma tells her as the video itself explains to them more clearly.

"The Power Watch itself is like a key and the elements are like chests. Each tier contains different type locks and currently, it can only access the 1st and 2nd tier, so you cannot open it with the same keys as you need a different kind of key to access it."

Hearing his explanation gives Lumine and Paimon (along with some audience) a clearer explanation, "That makes sense. With that amount of power, you really could beat anyone with little trouble." Lumine said, which Paimon (and everyone) can agree on.

"I think we should move to a different topic, can you tell us about your friends from your world, Boboiboy?" Paimon asked her which got Lumine's attention.

"Come to think of it, we haven't really got an idea of your friends, Boboiboy," Amber said as the audience began to realize that they had little idea what Boboiboy's friends like. Boboiboy himself chuckles in embarrassment as the rest of the personalities are embarrassed a little bit that they haven't talked about them for a while.

"That's true, I think the video itself might give us the explanation," Jean said, which gives everyone a point on that.

"You're right on that." After Itto said his opinion, he began to think of them. "I wonder if they're interested in joining our gang?"

Hearing that made Kuki shake her head, "I doubt that."

Boboiboy scratches his head, knowing too well that this will happen eventually. "Sure, I can give you an explanation. But we might need to find someplace to take a rest first, it's getting late out here."

They looked above them and saw it was almost nighttime. Paimon notices something in the distance, "There's a camp nearby, maybe we could stay there?" They looked over and saw there was a camp there.

"Good idea, Paimon." Lumine nodded at the idea as they went to the camp to rest from the journey alone.


After arriving at the camp and setting the fireplace on fire, Boboiboy started the conversation about his friends. "All right, guess I'll start the conversation." He looked over to his pockets, hoping to find something there.

He felt something in there and pulled it out, revealing it to be a picture. "Is that a picture?"

"Yup, took a picture before continuing our mission and ended up here." He showed them the picture and they saw more people standing alongside Boboiboy in the picture, "This is what my friends look like back at home."

The camera switches its perspective to show the picture, which gives it a clear view of the picture.

The audience saw the picture, and they saw how happy Boboiboy was with his friends. "Wow, you have that many friends?" Xiangling said as she was surprised by how many friends Boboiboy made.

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