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Hello! I'm haden and I'm happy that you're checking out my book. My dream is to become an author in the future, so this is my small preparation / start.  I hope to someday make real, books out of my fan fictions  and my ultimate goal would be to make a small movie! I really hope you like my work, and what I have to offer. Good luck, the journey begins after this chapter!

book is :
- in english.
- able to contain mature scenes in the sexual or angst form.  ( no detailed sexual scenes)
-  just as a happy ending isn't guaranteed so isn't the sad ending.
- will end with a surprise.
-  drama, action, romance fan fiction
- happening in a special universe, with made up places, characters and such.
-original cast as themselves.
- my goal is not to offend, - hurt anyone. This is just a form of fiction and I in no way own the pictures, real life people in this ff.

Do not :
- plagiarize ( copy, steal, take ideas, translate...)
- share your age.
- attack anyone , including author.
- compare works.

Recommended to :
-Read with black bg.
-Read with recommended music.
- Lay down while reading.
- Expect nothing  but also everything.

AYGÜL | Muhteşem Yüzyıl जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें