Chapter 10- Tranquility

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Akari entered the library with a textbook in her hands. She looked around and spotted Ayano kneeling in front of one of the shelves.

Ayano looked over her shoulder and smiled wryly. "I apologize, but I don't think we'll be able to study together today. I have to organize all these books and dust the shelves. Then, I have to help the other maids with any other task that is still pending."

Akari held up the book in front of her. "Then, you can borrow one of my textbooks to read in your spare time. Once you're done reading it, I can lend you a different textbook. Only students have access to these textbooks right?"

Ayano nodded. "...but won't you need the textbook for class?"

"I'll just sit next to Takuma and look at his book," Akari placed the book in Ayano's hands. "We can discuss the material when you have free time."

Ayano looked at the book and smiled. "Thank you, I will read as much as I can."

Akari walked over to a cart and took a couple of books. "I will help you organize the books since I don't have anything to do at the moment."

"What if someone walks in?" Ayano blurted. "They will think I pressured you to help me."

"Then, I'll just pretend I am looking for a book." Akari looked at the books' call numbers and went to look for their respective shelves.

After all the books in the cart had been organized, Akari returned to Ayano. "All the books are back where they belong."

Ayano waved her feather duster. "Great. I finished dusting the shelves too."

Akari sighed. "Maids have their work cut out for them. I worked as a waitress in a cafe, but my shift was shorter than yours. It feels like you are always working."

Ayano laughed. "A waitress still works hard though. Besides, I was a maid before coming here. The only difference is that before I worked in a mansion and now I work in an academy. I worked for Lady Shiki, Lord Senri's mother."

Akari turned to face Ayano. "I thought you worked for a lord from the Senate."

"I technically work for Lord Shiki, but he assigned me to look after his niece and great nephew. Although I work for Lady Shiki and Lord Senri, I still have to report everything to Lord Shiki and follow his orders."

Akari stiffened. Both Takuma and Senri have a relative in the Senate.

"Lord Senri always looks after his mother at home and never rebels against his great uncle. For this reason, I cannot understand why Lord Shiki sent me to keep an eye on Lord Senri."

Akari shrugged. "Maybe he's an overprotective uncle?"

Ayano covered her face. "It feels awkward whenever I walk by Lord Senri in the halls."

"You're not the only one though. I'm sure there are other nobles who brought maids from their houses too." Akari patted Ayano's back.

Ayano's face turned red. "That's true, but I'm sure the other maids are not here to spy on their young lords and ladies." She crossed her arms. "Lord Senri might not say anything, but I can imagine how he feels. I would feel peeved if my brother sent a maid to spy on me."

Akari looked at Ayano's red eyes. Her brother...

"Akari, can you do me a favor?"

Akari snapped out of her trance. "What do you need?"

"Lord Senri always looks so listless...please look after him." Ayano bowed.

"I would have looked after him even if you hadn't asked me to." Akari smiled.

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