A Bizzarre Trio : Summary

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(This is the first part of ABT, and it's about 3 poor kids that discover the power of stand , and use it to defeat their ex-friend that now became evil.

Now , I'll let y'all start the story! )

Part 1 ; the start .

It all starts from 4 poor kids Wolf, Yander, Alaska and Reddy, every day the 4 had to earn to eat , sleep , ecc.

But one day Wolf argued with Reddy because of the division of food so Wolf decides to go for a walk in the forest to calm down a bit, suddenly Wolf stumbled on a stone and got scratched with a strange arrow , but luckily he had brought some bandages with him so he managed to bandage the wound.

Checking that arrow better he noticed that it was made of gold so he picked it up.

After 1 hour Wolf decided to turn back to home and make peace with Reddy but when he did everyone was traumatized.

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