Bela Dimitrescu(Modern-ish AU)- Sleepy Love

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Nova was tired. She was in the kitchen, her head resting on her hand and a cup of coffee set in front of her. Her squad was out with Cassandra and Daniela, leaving her and Bela alone. Nova hadn’t gotten any sleep the night before since she was working late and didn’t get home until 4 am then had classes online. Bela came downstairs, looking like she just woke up. She entered the kitchen, saw Nova and sighed softly, her amber eyes softening.

Bela: "Nova… Wake up, hun."

Bela gently shook Nova’s shoulder, getting a soft groan and Nova just putting her head down on her arm. Bela laughed softly and put her arms around Nova, giving her a soft hug.

Bela: "C’mon, sleepyhead. You need to go to bed."

Bela’s voice was gentle and low. Nova just groaned softly in response.

Bela: "I’ll let you cuddle me."

Nova perked up almost immediately. Bela laughed softly and kissed the top of Nova’s head.

Nova: "Cuddle?"

Bela: "Yes, cuddle. But, only if you get up."

Nova got up and grabbed Bela’s hand, pulling her back to her room. Bela just let Nova pull her, finding it cute that Nova was this excited to cuddle.

Bela: "My, what a cutie you are, Nova."

Nova: "Mm."

Nova entered her room and pushed Bela on her bed, getting on top of her and laid on the taller blonde. Bela laid on her back, putting her arms around Nova and kissing the top of her head again.

Bela: "Get some sleep, hun. You need it."

Bela began gently running her hand through Nova’s hair. Nova had her head on Bela’s chest, her eyes closed, and her arms around Bela. Bela smiled softly and closed her eyes, too, falling back asleep with Nova on top of her.

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