Coaches daughter (Jack Crowley)

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Context ~ Ireland has just won the 2024 Six Nations and Y/n was invited to go to the after party.

We won. I can't believe it, we actually won! That's when 'Zombie by The Cranberries' start playing, my dad along with the coaches, the wives and I pile onto the pitch entrance. Everyone is elated, all the players come over and that's when I see my best friend, Irelands fly-half Jack Crowley, standing there hugging his parents, I run over to him and hug him.

"I'm so proud of you!!!" I shout while hugging him, he laughs while picking me up and spinning around. They were finished building the stage so he had to go get his trophy. "Here, before I go are you coming to the party tonight?" He asks, "Obviouslyyyy, why?"
"I erhm, need a date and I was wondering if  you would be mine, but obviously as friends..." He scratches his head as he says that. "Sure!" I say probably too enthusiastically.

He smiles and  jogs over to the rest of the team, when his name gets called I scream and cheer while clapping my hands.

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

I am currently curling my hair. I've already done my makeup, I did a mix of a natural look but also over-the-top but I think it looks nice. After I finish my hair I pick out my dress, after awhile of deciding I picked a long, silky green dress paired with black heels. That's when I hear a knock on my door.

"Hi jacko." I say when I open the door, he looks class he always does, I feel butterflies in my tummy although I push them down, knowing if I acted on how I truly felt I'd probably ruin our friendship.

'Hey gorgeous, are you ready to go?' He says while looking me up and down, "Yeppp!" I reply, closing my door. After 15 minutes we are he comes round to my door and opens it for me while holding his hand out for me to take.  We walk inside to a room full of tables, we take our seats on a table next to Dan and Katherine, Andrew and Elaine after a few minutes James and Arni also sit down next to us, we aren't really talking about anything mostly about how happy everybody is about winning.

That's when I suddenly need to use the loo so I get up and head towards the bathroom, the girls come with me.

~Jacks PoV~

"Okay Jack what's going on?" Dan asks as soon as the girls leave, "What are you talking about?" I ask not knowing what he is going on about. "I'm talking about Y/n you haven't took your eyes off her all night and if you try anything Andy will kill you." Andrew joins in and I see James nod in agreement, "I know, I mean I guess she's sort of fit but," I pause. "I don't know, just drop it." They just look at me, and thankfully they drop it.

After a while the girls come back, and we have quite a few more drinks, we are all pissed off our heads and now we are dancing on the dance floor. That's when 'Mr Brightside by The Killers' starts playing, that's mine and Y/n's song, we start dancing and everyone's watching and cheering. When the song ends she leans into me, not in a kiss way but more of a 'leaning onto me' hug.

Everyone else starts dancing again but we haven't moved, I snaked my arm around her waist and she yawns, "Are you ready to leave?" I ask. "No, let's stay it's your night to celebrate!!" She exclaims but I know she's lying because when she lies her nose twitches. "You're exhausted, I have a hotel room booked upstairs. You can sleep there and anyways I'm starting to get tired aswell." I look down at her and she's practically asleep, "Fine but if you want to still celebrate, you better come back down here, I'm not letting myself ruin your fun." I just nod.

After saying bye to everyone and having a scolding from her dad for being to drunk  Y/n and I finally headed towards the room, I opened the door and she ran and jumped onto the bed, without sitting up she took off her heels, hair piece and her necklace she then turned and looked at me. "Can I please wear something of yours? This dresses tag itches like a bitch." I just laugh and throw her a t-shirt to throw on.

After she came out of the bathroom she was now in my shirt, it made me feel weird, I wasn't weirded out but I felt butterflies in my stomach. We got into the bed, yes we're are in the same bed but we've shared beds before, there's been many circumstances where we were a room short, so Y/n jumped in with me and nothing ever happened.

As we are laying there, I thought she was asleep but then I hear, "You know sober Y/n would not want me to tell you this but,  I really really really fancy you, but you don't like me back so I act like you are only my friend, and it hurts but oh well." My heart skips a beat, she likes me? And she thinks that I don't like her but I decide to grow a third ball and face her, "Would someone how doesn't like you do this?" That's when I do it, I lean in and we kiss, it felt magical. After we stopped she curled up into me, and that's the position we lay in the whole night.

I am so sorry if this is shit I've needed to write a Jack Crowley one asap, I do plan to go back and edit this!!
Anyways I hope you enjoyed💞

P.s. have a safe day/night wherever you are in the world!!!

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