Meelo saluted him with a smirk, "On it!" 

The rest of them took a seat on the floor around the short table, engaging in small talk about possible plans and strategies for what's to come. 

"Once the mecha-watchers are complete, it's just a matter of time before we figure out a way to lure these guys out," Asami stated. 

"We know nothing about them, who they are, what they're doing exactly," Tenzin said. 

"Well, they need me, so if I can bait them, then the rest of you, including team avatar, can capture one of them and interrogate them," Asami replied. 

Korra furrowed her eyebrows, "You want to use yourself as bait?" 

"It's the only way to lure them out and find out more. We will work out the details but I think it's our best bet. They aren't going to expose themselves unless they think I'm in a position of vulnerability." 

Asami didn't look at Korra while she spoke and Korra clenched her jaw, "There has to be another way." 

"I don't like it either," Tenzin started, then he sighed, "But Asami may be right." 

"What?" Korra's eyes snapped to his in shock. 

"Korra, we will keep her safe, but her plan isn't a bad one. We will have eyes on her the entire time. Keep in mind, we won't act on anything until the mecha-watchers are complete so we still have a bit of time to work this out." Tenzin said firmly. 

Korra knew he was right, she knew Asami was right too. Before they started dating, she and Asami have done much more dangerous stunts together, but that was before she was in love with her, before the thought of losing her tormented her mind. 

Pema and Meelo walked in with plates of food and Korra remained quiet, not wanting to discuss it anymore. Asami watched Pema as she cupped Meelo's face, kissing his cheek gently before he sat next to her. She bit her lip hard, zoning out while everyone spoke and laughed together, mindlessly piling food onto her plate but barely touching a thing. 

"Asami, sweetheart, do you not like it? I can make you something else," Pema said causing everyone else to look at her as well. 

Asami snapped out of it, smiling, "It's really good! I'm just thinking about work, I'm sorry." 

Pema smiled, continuing her conversation with Tenzin and Asami forced herself to eat, not having much of an appetite, but also not wanting to be rude. Korra watched her inconspicuously, trying to figure out what was wrong. Asami's mind was in a completely different world and she knew work had nothing to do with it. She noticed Asami's eyes occasionally watching Tenzin and Pema and then the kids, and her expression depleted even more every time she did so. 

Korra didn't understand, but Asami's mood was breaking her heart. It hurt even more that Asami hasn't spoken to Korra at all or even looked her way, not once. 

Tenzin looked over at Korra and placed a fatherly hand on her shoulder, "Aside from all that is happening and going on, we are so proud of you, Avatar."

Korra's heart warmed at those words and she placed her hand on top of his, "Thanks Tenzin, that means a lot." 

Asami watched the exchange and couldn't take it anymore. She was happy to see Korra so joyful and at peace here, but what she was feeling wasn't something anyone could fix, not even her girlfriend. Tenzin and Korra were engaged in conversation and Pema started clearing the table. Asami took the opportunity to help her, taking the plates to the kitchen. 

"Thank you, Asami," Pema told her. 

Asami nodded lightly, "Thank you for dinner. I'm, um, gonna head out though. I'm really tired but I don't want to interrupt Korra and the others." 

Korra and AsamiWhere stories live. Discover now