Say no to this

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A few days pass Jo and Mattheo go back to Hogwarts because they know Tyler's safe and healthy.

"Parents night is tomorrow!im so not prepared"Jo flops her head on her desk "potter sorry lupin breath okay you have so much great things to say about these kids you'll be great"Mcgonagall puts a hand on his shoulder.She looks at Mcgonagall "thanks Minnie...but I'm still freaked!"

Mcgonagall leaves the room just then Mattheo runs in "Jo hi uh tomorrow is" "parents night I know"Mattheo walks closer to her desk "my older brothers coming not my dad"Jo nods as Mattheo looks down "okay well I'll tell him how smart you are and how your so awesome" "uck jo"She laughs.

The door goes "come in!"Jo shouts,Regulus walks in,Mattheos eyes go straight to regulus and a smile grows on his face.

"Professor...mattheo hi "regulus smiles at him "hey"Mattheo smiles at him too "hi"Jo says awkwardly with a big smirk on her face.

Regulus clears his throat "I have a question about the homework the teacher that we had while you were off gave us it but I'm clueless"Jo puts her hand out "let me see"she reads it "oh this is actually pretty easy but this isn't something Iv taught yous so"She rips it up "I'll hand out homework this week about something that we've actually done"Regulus nods "okay"

Jo nudges Mattheo and gives him a 'go for it look' he shakes his head while looking at her.
"What are yous doing?"Regulus asks looking at them "would you want to go the black lake with Mattheo to get me some's for a project yous will be doing"Mattheo looks up at Jo "uh sure"Regulus replies "great yous two have fun"She winks at Mattheo.

Him and regulus leave "I'm such a great wingman"Jo says to her self with a slight laugh .She goes back to her room and is greeted with a note on her's from Tyler!

My Dearest,Jo
I really don't want you to freak out love but uh we've got a visitor old friend of mines uh he stopped by said he had no where else to go so I said he could stay until you come back please don't be mad

-Tyler xx

She folds the letter back up "who is it?"she pulls out a bit of paper and starts writing.

Dear Ty
Who is it that has came to visit,I'm fine with it as long as they actually have no where to go and if Remus is okay with it too love you

-jo xxx

She gives her letter to an owl and it flys off with it,Jo sits in confusion thinking "who was it"constantly not leaving her mind.

"Matt its getting dark maybe we should head back now" "yeah your right let's go"Mattheo stands up and points his wand out "Lumos"Regulus laughs at him "scared of the dark?"Mattheo laughs too "what no I'm just cautious"a twig snaps Mattheo screams.

Regulus laughs "it was just a stick"He holds Mattheos hand Mattheo looks down at his hand then at regulus in confusion "I'll keep you safe"he smiles at Mattheo and Mattheo smiles back at him.

"I'm sorry if this is personal but is professor Lupin gonna adopt you"Regulus asks and Mattheo shrugs "i really hope so there both so lovely and caring and there family is so cool like little Jamie and I play cars and Mary and Marlene ordered takeaways Remus helped me study and Jo and Tyler there both so lovely and Jo especially makes sure I'm comfortable doing things"Regulus smiles at Mattheo.

"Im so glad your happy with them and I really hope they adopt deserve it"They smile at each other "I'm going to bed" "yeah me too reg I'll see you tomorrow"

"My brother?!" "Oh shut up Jo you like Tyler!"Regulus and Jo laugh "I could actually see it...Regulus potter or James black we'd be like siblings!"regulus sighs "this is the time were I wish Mary was here"Jo sticks her tongue out at him.

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