In the dessert

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Before starting i want to apologize in advance for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Thanks for reading!!

After meeting up with her friends in the forests of sumeru, A blonde short haired woman was now walking out into the desert of the sumeru to catch up with a few more of her friends. As she walks along the desert she runs into a beautiful blue haired woman.

"Candace!" she calls out, waving to the blue haired girl. Candace turns around and waves back to her blonde friend, walking closer to her. "Hello lumine, Its great to see you again! what brings you back to the desert?" she replies stopping infront of lumine.

"It's good to see you too! I'm actually here to catch up with some friends while i'm back in sumeru!" Lumine replies. The two girls smile before they converse again. "I was actually back with Dheya just a minute ago, we can see her and catch up then if you'd like." candace offers.

"ah, yes! that would be great!!" lumine accepts excitedly. the girls walk off and into one of the houses in Aaru village where Dheya is sitting down. Lumine and Dehya exchange greetings and then candace and lumine sit down with her. The three girls talk for a couple hours before they all decided to go their seperate ways.

As the three of them start getting up lumine interupts the silence "So, i haven't had a chance to talk to cyno yet, and i was wondering if either of you happen to know where he is?" "No, we haven't heard anything about his wearabouts." dehya replied apologetically. "Ah, alright. Well it was awesome to see you guys again and i hope we can talk again soon!" lumine replied cheerily.

The other two girls agree and they all say their goodbyes, with dehya going ahead first and candace staying back with lumine. "So, lumine, though i do not know where cyno currently is, i can walk you deeper into the dessert where he usually roams and you can try to find him from there." candace says as they leave the building together. "Oh, yes! that would be great if you could!" lumine replies with excitement. "Thank you so much." she continues as they continue their walk.

After a few minutes of walking in the dessert, candace stops to which lumine quickly copies. They see a few pyramids in the distance mostly filled with empty silence and blowing sand as well as an ocasional tumbleweed. "So he tends to hang around here often so i'll let you do your thing", candace says turning around to face lumine and smiling at her. "Thank you again candace!" she replies smiling back. candace walks past lumine "Best of luck! let me know later if you caught up with him." candace states sweetly.

As lumine turns around to watch her friend walk away, she nodds, still smiling then tuns back around and relaxes her face before continuing her walk through the desert. After another few minutes when lumine had stopped for a rest, she was grabbed in the blink of an eye, letting out a little eek and when stopped moving, had fallen back into another surface. And when could process what just happened, she felt the grip of a man's arms around her stomach.

"It isn't smart to stand around in the open, unaware of your surrounings" the man said releasing lumine, causing her to almost fall over. "Especially in these parts of the desert." the man continued sternly. "Well i'll say" lumine replied sarcastically, brushing sand off of her dress. "I was just snatched and dragged" she continued as she turned around to look at the man.

she scanned the man with her eyes, seeing his taupe skin an gorgeous medium length white hair that fell beautfully on his shoulders. His bright red-orange eyes staring back at her. "AH! Cyno!?" she realized "Oh! this is great, i was actually just looking for you!" she gave a sweet smile to him. Cyno blushed a light pink but cleared his throat to respond to her. "Well isn't that just lucky then?" he stated cockily.

Lumine chuckled at his comment "Well anyway, i wanted to find you because i was hoping we could catch up before the end of the day, i already met up with most of the others." she said, looking longingly at cyno, causing his face to heat up, blushing a light red. He put his fingers over his mouth until his face cooled down, causing lumine to giggle in confusion. Cyno puts his hand down and replies with a sly tone of voice "Well i'm wondering if you'd want to do something... fun~ instead of catching up?" he asked before kissing her on the cheek with a little smirk on his face.

Lumine's face gets hot and turns a light pink before she puts her hand over her cheek and nodding with a smile. Cyno offers his hand out and she takes it, he leads lumine to an abandoned shelter in a secluded area far in the desert. He opens the enterance to the shelter and points forward for her to go in first. They walk into the shelter that has dim lighting and basic necessities in furnature.

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